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Ashleigh Warren


Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts

  • Workplace Relations
  • Employment Advice
  • Employment Disputes
  • Equal Opportunity and Discrimination
  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Workplace Agreements

Ashleigh has been admitted in New Zealand since 2014 and in Victoria since 2019. Prior to joining Russell Kennedy, she spent three years in the Workplace & Safety team of a national Australian firm, where she gained a breadth of experience across all facets of workplace law including both employer and employee work, including undertaking a 4 month secondment to the Department of Health in the in-house employment team.

Ashleigh also spent over a year working as a paralegal in the Employment team of an international firm’s London office, assisting in the defence of unfair dismissal claims brought in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal, as well as with the provision of advice relating to general employment matters. Prior to that, she spent a year as a Litigation Legal Assistant at a New York firm, assisting in a range of matters, including a class action employment dispute.

Ashleigh advises clients across a range of industries, including local government, education and aged care.

Ashleigh works closely with the Principals and Senior Associates at Russell Kennedy. She regularly advises clients across a range of industries, including local government, education and aged care.


  • Advising employers on the full range of employment law matters including preparing contracts of employment and workplace policies and advising in relation to employee flexibility arrangements, termination of employment, redundancies, restructures and transfer of business
  • Advising clients in relation to WorkSafe prosecutions
  • Advising clients in relations to underpayment claims and investigations by the Fair Work Ombudsman
  • Acting for employers through various claims relating to employment including unfair dismissals, general protections, discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying
  • Interpreting and advising in relation to rights and obligations in enterprise agreements, modern awards and contracts of employment
  • Assisting employers in managing underperformance, misconduct and disciplinary matters, including advising on and conducting workplace investigations
  • Advising employers on restraints of trade and enforcement proceedings in the Courts
  • Advising employers on independent contractor arrangements, sham contracting, and the various labour hire licensing schemes