Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 6. Enforcement Notices 101 - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Webinar Replay: Russell Kennedy's Government CPD Series 2021 Session 3: Tips and Traps with the Provision of Social and Affordable Housing & Retail Leases Update - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2021. Family Law webinar replay: A practical guide on how to navigate child support - In this webinar, Maria Gomes will provide practical guidance on what is child support, what child support covers and what obligations exist and the types of agreements for child support payments. Form for D&I content - Form for D&I content data catch form Form for FL content - FL content data catch form Form for Health content - RC content Health catch form Form for Privacy content - RC content Privacy catch form Form for RC content - RC content data catch form Form for RL Webinar Replay - RC content data catch form Form for Waste Webinar Replay - Waste content data catch form Form submit - Form submit Home Care - Russell Kennedy is a market leader in the home care sector. We’ve advised home care and aged care providers, developers and landowners and worked with leading industry bodies for more than 37 years. Online training replay: Dealing with legal personal representatives and residents’ payments in retirement villages - This training will help you understand the role of substitute decision-makers/representatives and break down the terminology. It will also provide you with an understanding of risks to consider when making exit payments and who you should be taking instructions from. Online Training replay: Home care expenditure: what are the rules? - Home Care can be difficult to navigate. Not only must providers manage a consumer’s needs and expectations within their budget, providers must ensure they are complying with legislation and guidelines to ensure that the services provided and items purchased with a package are not out of scope. Online training replay: Restrictive Practices in aged care: what you need to know - This training will help you understand who you need to obtain consent from and the role of the SDM for restrictive practices. Online training replay: Should you be a dual registered NDIS & Aged Care provider and how should you navigate the intersection of NDIS & Aged Care - This training will help you understand how NDIS intersects with residential aged care and the compliance risks that may arise, along with practical ways to be prepared to minimise these risks. The training will be delivered by Russell Kennedy Principal Victor Harcourt and Russell Kennedy Associate Beatrisa Dubinsky. Replay | Victorian Government CPD Series - October 2023 - These sessions have been created especially for government lawyers. They feature Russell Kennedy subject matter experts who will delve into the latest issues, trends and insights impacting Victorian Government organisations. Residential Aged Care Resource Pack - Proposed legislative amendments - Residential Aged Care Resource Pack - Proposed legislative amendments Royal Commission into Aged Care - Guidance - Russell Kennedy is a leader in the provision of legal services to the aged care sector. This, combined with our extensive experience representing clients in Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries, places us in a unique position to provide expert advice and representation to aged care providers in relation to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - Russell Kennedy is a leader in the provision of legal services to the aged care sector. This, combined with our extensive experience representing clients in Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries, places us in a unique position to provide expert advice and representation to aged care providers in relation to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Russell Kennedy - Key Personnel Package for Approved Providers - As providers would now be aware the Aged Care and Other Legislation (Royal Commission Response) Bill 2022 (the Royal Commission Response Bill 2022) passed on 2 August 2022. Russell Kennedy Disability, Social and Community Services, Health Webinar - Doing away with the fine print: better consumer contracts - Simple contracts help to engage consumers as they choose providers, spend funds and participate in community programs. They help to balance legal, commercial and operational risks. The intention of drafting plain-English consumer contracts is to remove legal jargon. Despite this, we regularly encounter organisations (including in the disability, social and community sectors and health sectors) that use lengthy consumer contracts. We also regularly encounter organisations that don’t bother with consumer contracts. Russell Kennedy Family Law webinar replay - Do you know what to do if you are separating? - This webinar will discuss new developments in parenting matters before the Court and COVID related issues. Russell Kennedy Family Law Webinar Replay: Separated and have a child or children, now what? - This webinar provides an overview of what options are available to parents and caregivers in ensuring there are appropriate arrangements in place for the care of children after separation. Russell Kennedy Family Law webinar replay: What you should know about parenting arrangements during the holiday season - This webinar provides practical tips on how to manage parenting arrangements during the holiday season. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 1. Privacy Update – An overview of key developments over the past year and what to expect in 2022 - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 2. Practical preparation tips for mediation, and doing it well when you’re there - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 3. Managing hybrid teams - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 4. Giving statutory interpretation advice – identifying options - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 5. Divesting Leasehold and Disposal of Freehold Interests: Considerations for Government - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 7. Can you keep a secret? - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 8. Ethics in practice for government lawyers - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Government CPD Series 2022 Session 9. Responding to complaints of workplace bullying and discrimination - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2022. Russell Kennedy Health, Disability, Community and Care Webinar replay: To Mandate or Not Mandate COVID-19 Vaccinations, that is the Question - We are at a critical juncture in the COVID-19 pandemic. With limited Federal and State/Territory policies at this moment, organisations now need to urgently consider whether, and under what circumstances to mandate that employees, contractors and customers are vaccinated, as a means to reduce the risk of being overwhelmed by outbreaks. Russell Kennedy Women's Network Webinar: De Facto Relationships - De facto, domestic partner and civil partner. These are all terms that we have heard before but what do they mean? What are the legal implications of being in such a relationship? Is your partner entitled to your assets if you separate or if you die? Do you have any legal obligations to your partner? How can women protect their rights in a relationship? This webinar will discuss the types of claims that can be made on a person’s estate or Will as well as disputes that might occur during an elderly person’s lifetime when it comes to the management of their financial affairs. Our presenters will discuss these claims as well as strategies that will makers as well as their families can take to minimise and avoid such claims to try and maintain family harmony. Joining us will be Walter MacCallum, Principal from Russell Kennedy’s Dispute Resolution Team and Ilana Kacev, Special Counsel from our Wills and Estates team. Russell Kennedy's Government CPD Series 2021. Session 2 - Investigating Corporate Entities webinar replay - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2021. Seasonal Clerkship Resources - Text to be added - HBM Sydney RKConnect Professionals Networking group - Sydney RKConnect Professionals Networking group Webinar replay - Workplace Relations Webinar - Workplace Relations in 2023: Yearly wrap-up & what’s next? - To close out 2023, Russell Kennedy’s Workplace Relations, Employment and Safety team invite you to our annual wrap-up webinar. We invite you to join us as we delve into some of the key issues being raised with our team this year. Webinar replay - Disability, Social and Community Services Webinar: Navigating the turbulent times from the top - Understanding your strategic and legal obligations is critical to effectively governing your organisation, especially in turbulent times. Obstacles with respect to sector complexity, a challenging economic environment, increasing commoditisation of services, increasing market contestability and a reduction of government funding make for a challenging governance environment. Webinar replay - Russell Kennedy Government CPD Day 2023 - Session 1: Ethics in practice for government lawyers - Simon Libbis and Michael Dolan from the Law Institute of Victoria, will explain how to earn the necessary skills to recognise ethical challenges at an early stage and guidance on how to deal with them. Webinar replay - Russell Kennedy Government CPD Day 2023 - Session 2: Uncharted Territory: Key Charter Lessons from the Pandemic - Jasmine Still, Senior Associate, will provide an update about some of the most significant human rights cases from the COVID-19 pandemic and what insights they provide into the operation of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006. Webinar replay - Russell Kennedy Government CPD Day 2023 - Session 3: Practical decision making and reason writing - Kylie Walsh, Principal and Michael Tsiavlis, Senior Associate, will take you through their practical tips for ensuring that decisions are made lawfully and that written reasons are adequate. Webinar replay - Russell Kennedy Government CPD Day 2023 - Session 4: Speaking with persuasion - Michael Schiffner, Managing Director of Collective Intelligence will be showing you how to discover practical ways to communicate persuasively Webinar replay - Russell Kennedy Government CPD Day 2023 - Session 5: Victorian Government Land Transactions Policy Update and Lease negotiations tips - In the first half hour, Michael Dowling, Special Counsel and Shaun Burmester, Senior Associate, will take a look at the change in the Victorian Government Land Transactions Policy. In the second half of the presentation, Samantha Taylor, Principal, and Stella Wild, Principal will consider issues relevant when entering leases including tips and traps Webinar replay - Russell Kennedy Government CPD Day 2023 - Session 6: Privacy Update – An overview of key recent developments and what to expect in 2023 and beyond - Russell Kennedy’s privacy specialist, Gina Tresidder, will discuss recent developments such as the Medibank and Optus data breaches and proposed reforms in the Attorney-General’s Privacy Act Review Report. Webinar replay - Workplace Relations Hybrid Seminar: Addressing ‘toxic’ behaviour in the workplace - Given the increasing focus on psychosocial hazards in the workplace, following the recent and upcoming introduction of new obligations for employers in some States and Territories, it is important that organisations take reasonable steps to address the negative impact of toxic behaviours in the workplace. Webinar Replay | Russell Kennedy Local Government Property Roadshow - 23 November 2023 - Russell Kennedy Lawyers hosts the Local Government Property Roadshow in Melbourne on Thursday, 23 November 2023. Webinar Replay | Victorian Government CPD Series - October 2023 - These sessions have been created especially for government lawyers. They feature Russell Kennedy subject matter experts who will delve into the latest issues, trends and insights impacting Victorian Government organisations. Webinar replay: A session by Russell Kennedy for Department of Transport Legal | The Coroners’ Court – The ‘Golden Rules’ of the jurisdiction - The Coroners Court can be a confusing jurisdiction. This session is aimed at those government lawyers who may have the responsibility of guiding a response to a Coronial investigation or Inquest. It also has application to any departmental or agency manager or employee that may find themselves involved in a Coronial matter, and will help orientate them to the forces that animate these types of hearings. Webinar replay: Aged Care & Retirement Living Webinar – A practical guide to preventing Debt Recovery & navigating the process - This webinar will discuss the debt collection process (including from estates) and provide debt prevention strategies that aged care providers and retirement living operators can implement to minimise risk of debt and ensure best practice moving forward. Webinar replay: Aged Care Royal Commission Final Report – Legal Risk and Governance Issues Unpacked - 17 March 2021 - This webinar is intended to provide a high level overview around the key legal risk and governance issues for aged care providers, arising from the Final Report Recommendations handed down on 26 February 2021. Our panel of highly experienced aged care lawyers will discuss the key legal risk, compliance and governance themes that providers may face if the recommendations are implemented. Our panel will provide an overview of what providers need to be aware of, and provide practical information about the possible reforms you can prepare for in advance. Webinar replay: Aged Care webinar – A path out of the Pandemic. Understanding the key governance, legal and risk implications for aged care providers - This webinar discusses key governance, legal and risk implications that aged care providers should focus on and integrate into their strategy as we move out of the initial COVID-19 response and into the next phase. Webinar replay: Construction digitalisation: future trends in project procurement and delivery - The construction industry landscape has dramatically shifted in the past few years. It is vital for a business to constantly be looking to the future and mapping out future direction, in keeping ahead of the curve. Webinar replay: Credit Management Tips in Challenging Times - 7 October 2020 - In this webinar, an expert panel from Russell Kennedy’s Dispute Resolution team, comprised of Suzanne Rieschieck, Principal, Walter MacCallum, Principal, Nahum Ayliffe, Special Counsel and Joe Denina, Associate provided an overview of key strategies for managing debtors and receiving payment from your customers, particularly during times of uncertainty. Webinar replay: Harmony Week @RK: Cultural Diversity and the Future of the Legal Industry - Australia is a multicultural society in which individuals from all walks of life may find a place. As a firm, Russell Kennedy celebrates diversity, and recognises that cross-cultural literacy is of increasing importance to success in the legal industry, now and into the future. Webinar replay: Learning from others' mistakes – privacy & cyber security legal update - The statutory obligation to report serious data breaches makes this free online webinar unmissable, the risk of a public data breach affecting your business’ reputation is too great. Webinar replay: Lease restructures – Divesting leasehold interests during the term - Commentators have speculated about the impact of COVID-19 on the commercial tenancy market, anticipating that some tenants will be seeking to reduce their tenancy holdings as a result of changes to the way we work and the economic impact of COVID-19 on their business. Webinar replay: Monash University and Russell Kennedy Webinar: How can we access effective climate justice? - The complexity of the environmental crisis we face means that no single discipline can provide an adequate understanding of it. This interdisciplinary panel discussion seeks to forge a holistic and systemic understanding of climate justice, canvass why it is important, and explore the diverse work currently being done in Australia to achieve it. Webinar replay: New disclosure obligations for informants in criminal proceedings - Kylie Walsh and Daniel Silfo will discuss the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act 2009 that arise from the Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Act 2022 (Vic) introduced as a result of the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants. Webinar replay: NSW Construction Shutdown – What you need to know - This webinar is relevant to all people participating in the building and construction industry who manage construction works in the Sydney, Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour local government areas. Webinar replay: NSW Retirement Living Webinar - Get your Assets in Gear - 17 August 2021 - From 1 September 2021, retirement village operators must comply with the Retirement Villages Amendment (Asset Management Plans) Regulation 2021 (“the Regulation”). Webinar replay: Private Client Webinar: The Bank of Mum and Dad - Considerations for loaning money to your children - It is not uncommon for children to receive financial support or a financial contribution from mum or dad (or even another family member) to get a foot in the property market. The “Bank of Mum and Dad” is now the fifth biggest home lender in Australia, with 29% of parents reaching into their wallets to help their children. Webinar replay: Retirement Living Webinar - NSW Retirement Living Reforms announced on 24 June 2020: What this means for operators. - On 24 June 2020, the NSW Government announced its final position in relation to the reforms to the retirement living sector announced in 2019. The Government states that its reform seeks to establish a balanced framework to outline both parties’ obligations when a resident leaves their home and the premises is on the market. However, what does this mean for operators and what do you need to know? Webinar replay: Retirement Living Webinar – Update: National Buyback Regulatory Trends - In this webinar, Russell Kennedy’s experienced retirement living team will provide a national overview of current buyback regulations, the rules as to assisting to fund residents transitioning to aged care and operator obligations in relation to the redevelopment of villages. Webinar replay: Retirement Living Webinar: NSW Retirement Living Reforms - 10 December 2020 - The reforms announced by the NSW Government in June this year, which we discussed in our webinar on 2 July 2020, have been implemented with the amending Act receiving Royal Assent on 25 November 2020. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy & EY Webinar - The new normal for capital markets: Australian Aged Care - 15 October 2020 - This webinar will provide a broad overview of the capital markets in the aged care space this year and how they have been impacted by the pandemic. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy and Pride Living Webinar: How to successfully implement and manage Additional Services - 12 November 2020 - Providers are increasingly looking for new ways increase and improve the service offering to residents to enhance their lives – one approach is through offering residents Additional Services. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy and Pride Living Webinar: Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) - Are you prepared? - 16 March 2021 - From 1 April 2021, residential aged care providers will have a new statutory reporting regime for “serious incidents”, which go far beyond the current requirements in relation to “reportable assaults”. The new Scheme is being implemented nationally to manage, prevent and taking appropriate actions, if and when an incident may occur. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy Community Health Webinar: “Tips and Falls” when managing community and health contracts - 30 March 2021 - It is getting more challenging to manage contracts in the community health sector. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy Health Webinar – Legal issues for telehealth services - The rapid growth in telehealth services by practitioners and health services, necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, raises stark issues of legal risk. With more Australian’s using telehealth services than ever before, the need for practitioners to clearly understand their options and the limitations of telehealth as a delivery model is essential. Telehealth is here to stay in an expanded form following government funding decisions. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy Home Care Compliance Update – Current Issues and Trends - This webinar will discuss the latest compliance updates in the home care sector and offer practical insight around what providers can do now to meet these compliance requirements. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy IVF Webinar – Clinics Making Public Statements - There are a range of legal restrictions on how clinics and IVF practitioners can advertise and what claims can be made. This session will explain those provisions and the limits that apply. The webinar will provide you with a better understanding of what can, and cannot be said in advertising and promotional material relating to IVF services. We will also cover the claims that can, and cannot be made about success, efficacy and quality of services. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy's Government CPD Series 2021 Session 1 - Intellectual Property as a Public Asset - Maximising Value & Impact - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2021. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy's Government CPD Series 2021 Session 4: The Coroners’ Court – The ‘Golden Rules’ of the jurisdiction - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2021. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy's Government CPD Series 2021 Session 6 - Making Defensible Administrative Decisions - Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2021. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy's Online CLC CPD Series 2022 Online Panel Event - Working with Counsel - As part of the 2022 CLC CPD day, the Russell Kennedy Pro Bono team will be hosted a panel discussion on working with Counsel. Webinar replay: Russell Kennedy's Pro Bono Online CLC CPD Series 2022 - Live Legal Ethics session with Adrian Evans - As part of the 2022 CLC CPD series, the Russell Kennedy Pro Bono team will be hosting an interactive webinar on ethics. This session is worth 1 CPD point in Ethics and Professional Responsibility. Webinar replay: Staff performance - Identifying issues, common pitfalls, and performance management - Poor performance creates a significant burden for organisations, and should not be ignored. However, employers face a number of risks when managing employee performance issues. Webinar replay: The Bupa case – ACL compliance & lessons to be learnt - On 12 May 2020 Bupa was ordered to pay $6m for breaching the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and to take a number of other actions as a result of its flawed Extra Services program. Webinar replay: Waste & Resource Recovery – The General Environmental Duty: Implications for Waste and Resource Recovery Projects - This webinar is relevant to people working in State Government, Local Government, Water Corporations and from Waste & Resource Recovery organisations. This session will be useful to procurement professionals, project managers and facilities owners and operators in the waste and resource recovery sector. Webinar replay: What is the integrity governance framework and who needs to know about it? - The webinar looks at at case study examples and give attendees an introduction to the Integrity Governance Framework and how your organisation should be using it. Webinar replay: Wills & Estates – Estate Disputes: How Can You Prevent Your Family From Fighting About an Estate - Elder abuse is on the rise, life expectancy is increasing and Covid-19 has placed added financial pressure on a vast sector of the population. Those factors can inevitably lead to the elderly being at risk of financial abuse and families fighting over the distribution of estates. This webinar will discuss the types of claims that can be made on a person’s estate or Will as well as disputes that might occur during an elderly person’s lifetime when it comes to the management of their financial affairs. Our presenters will discuss these claims as well as strategies that will makers as well as their families can take to minimise and avoid such claims to try and maintain family harmony. Joining us will be Walter MacCallum, Principal from Russell Kennedy’s Dispute Resolution Team and Ilana Kacev, Special Counsel from our Wills and Estates team. Webinar replay: Workplace Relations - Common issues when investigating workplace complaints - 27 October 2020 - Managing complaints by employees – whether about bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment or something else – is now an everyday part of life for management. Webinar replay: Workplace Relations: Managing Ill and Injured Workers - 24 September 2020 - In this live webinar, Ben Tallboys, Principal, and Morgan Smithe, Lawyer in the Workplace Relations, Employment and Safety team provided an overview of key issues relating to ill and injured workers in the workplace. Webinar: The Aged Care Royal Commission, what does it mean for you? - Russell Kennedy is a leader in the provision of legal services to the aged care sector. This, combined with our extensive experience representing clients in Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries, places us in a unique position to provide expert advice and representation to aged care providers in relation to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Workplace Relations Webinar replay – Workplace relations in 2021: half time report - We are only half way through 2021, but it feels like a fair bit has been going on in the world of workplace relations. We thought that this would be a good time to talk about two legislative changes and two topics which keep coming up this year.