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Michael Tsiavlis

Special Counsel

Bachelor of Commerce (International Business), Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

  • Litigation
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Government Law
  • Prosecutions
  • Administrative Law

Michael is an experienced litigation and regulatory lawyer. Michael advises government departments, agencies and authorities on their enforcement and investigative functions as well as appearing in Court for them as a solicitor advocate.

He also has specialised expertise in the rules of evidence, court and tribunal procedures and criminal law across multiple jurisdictions. Michael has worked with government and non-government clients on administrative and regulatory law matters and has advised on novel and complicated legislative regimes as well as governance and decision making strategies.


  • Representing government clients in courts and tribunals in prosecutions and disciplinary hearings
  • Appearing as solicitor advocate in state and federal criminal matters in Magistrates’ Court, District Court and Supreme Court of New South Wales including appearing as solicitor advocate in contested hearings, pleas, legal arguments and bail applications
  • Advising on the operation and interpretation of new legislation, legal policy and preparing regulatory guidance and enforcement manuals
  • Advising on and drafting information gathering notices, infringement notices and other investigative powers
  • Advising and appearing in relation to complex litigation matters involving digital forensics, forensic accountants, construction planning and other documentary expert evidence in both the criminal and civil jurisdiction


  • Prepared and delivered training to Police for online child exploitation and drug importation investigations and prosecutions