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Elizabeth Flanagan


Bachelor of Laws

  • Water
  • Government
  • Planning and Environment
  • Building Regulation

Elizabeth is located in our Government, Planning and Environment group working predominantly for Local Government in prosecutions and enforcement in the Magistrates’ Court, the Building Appeals Board and VCAT.


  • Prosecution, enforcement and compliance for Local Government - Building Act, Planning & Environment Act, Public Health and Wellbeing Act, Domestic Animals Act and Local Laws
  • Advising on the Building Act and the Building Regulations
  • Heritage Act reviews before both the Heritage Council and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
  • Appearances before:
    • Magistrate Court
    • Building Appeals Board
    • The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
    • County Court (appeals)
    • Supreme Court and Heritage Council Proceedings
  • Client Education: Amendments to the Building Act, the Building Regulations and related issues (building surveyors and building inspectors)
  • Providing general advice and training to Local Government
  • Providing advice and training to Local Government in relation to all aspects of carrying out a prosecution (from evidence gathering to the process through the Courts)
  • Regular attendee and speaker at the Victorian Municipal Building Surveyors Group (VMBSG) meetings.


  • Member, Law Institute of Victoria
  • Member, VMBSG
  • Member, Planning Enforcement Officers Association 
  • Member, Environmental Health Professionals Australia
  • Member, Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association