Asset Allocation and Rebalancing - Often you would hear from financial planners and read articles about how asset allocation and rebalancing is one of the key disciplines for financial planning. $25,000 Fine for Illegal Building Work Carried out by a Registered Building Practitioner - Russell Kennedy Lawyers was recently engaged to prosecute a breach of the Building Act 1993 (Vic) (Act), with respect to building work carried out by a registered building practitioner without a building permit. ‘Clear and consistent’ telehealth rules: just what the doctor ordered - The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) has released new telehealth guidelines that aim to prescribe a healthy dose of control over asynchronous prescription services. ‘Tis the season to be jolly! Navigating Christmas between two households! - Christmas should be a joyous time; however, the reality is that it can often be marred with stress and conflict for separated parents. There is no one size fits all for families for the festive season. Here are 5 things to consider that may be of assistance to you during the holiday season. “Employment relationship is a two-way street” – refusal of work from home request upheld - In 2024, over four years on from the Covid-19 pandemic, we are seeing employers pushing for greater office attendance. The recent decision of the Fair Work Commission in Shane Gration v Bendigo Bank [2024] FWC 717 on 18 April 2024 offers reassurance to employers seeking to enforce a return to office policy. “I’m not bound.” “Yes you are!” “No I’m not!” - The tricks and traps of heads of agreements - Sometimes it can be difficult to clearly distinguish between what does and does not constitute a binding agreement. Are we still negotiating? Is this deal done? “Large proprietary companies” to double in size - The thresholds for determining whether a proprietary company is considered “large” will double from 1 July 2019, reducing the compliance burden of companies that no longer fit this category (including financial reporting requirements and the need to have a whistleblower policy). “Please do not give me CPR”: ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ requests in retirement living - Retirement village operators are receiving an increasing number of ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (‘DNR’) requests from their residents. This introduces the uncomfortable prospect of counter-intuitively withholding CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) in the event a resident is found unresponsive. 1 January 2019 deadline for Casual Conversion Notification - Further to our previous Alert, the Fair Work Commission has now inserted casual conversion clauses into a number of modern awards. It is important to be aware that if a modern award applies to your casual employees, you may be required to notify them of their conversion rights by 1 January 2019. 2022 Legislative wrap-up & resources to help providers - The 1st of December, otherwise known as Aged Care Reform Day, marked the commencement of a significant number of new requirements and obligations, in addition to balancing the day-to-day organisational requirements. We understand that the difficult challenges posed by keeping up with these reforms. 4 Ways an Estate Planning Lawyer Can Help Stop Elder Abuse - In 2015, Lionel Cox, a 92 year old patient at a residential aged care facility, passed away leaving a nurse, Abha Kumar (Kumar), his $1.5 million estate in his Will (the Will). On 24 September 2019, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) handed down a five year disqualification to Kumar after finding that she was “overly involved” in Mr Cox’s affairs, which included the making of the Will that left his estate to Kumar. Despite this, Kumar was entitled to retain the $1.5 million estate because the Tribunal did not have jurisdiction in relation to matters concerning Mr Cox’s estate. 5 things to know if you are separated or divorced and want to travel overseas with your child/ren - Covid-19 has affected our everyday lives and the things we normally would or wouldn’t consider when looking after our children. Prior to covid-19, one aspect that used to be on the forefront of most parents’ minds after they have separated is if they can travel with their children overseas. 8 legal issues for home care providers in the world of COVID-19 - To date, much of the focus within the aged care industry in relation to COVID-19 has been directed at residential care – the government directives exclusively so. However the home care sector is also facing unprecedented challenges arising from the COVID-19 crisis. A change to the tax law governing income received by minors from testamentary trusts - Reforms to tax concessions available to minors receiving income from testamentary trusts proposed by the 2018 Federal Budget (finally) received assent on 22 June 2020 with the passing of the Treasury Laws Amendment (2019 Measures No. 3) Bill 2019. A Guide to Buying Commercial Property - Buying commercial property (such as a warehouse, office building or retail space) is more complicated than buying a residential property. There are complex contract terms, detailed planning information and additional legal and commercial implications if the premises are leased. A Helping Hand - The Critical Difference Between a Loan or Gift - It is not uncommon these days for parents to provide their adult children with large sums of money to assist with property purchases. However, often there is little thought as to how this provision should be documented or classed. Is it a gift or a loan? A High Court decision on search warrants - The execution of a search warrant is a powerful evidence gathering tool for law enforcement officers. The power to search is regarded by the courts as an exceptional power, to be exercised only under certain conditions. A New Direction for Victorian Government Public Construction - With effect from 1 July 2018, when procuring public construction works and services, Victorian government departments and public bodies must adhere to mandatory Ministerial Directions for Public Construction Procurement in Victoria (Directions) and Instructions for Public Construction Procurement in Victoria (Instructions). A practical checklist: What landlords and tenants need to know when negotiating rent relief for eligible leases - COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Commercial Leases and Licences) Regulations 2020 (Vic) ACCC Announces 2023-2024 Compliance & Enforcement Priorities - On 7 March 2023, the Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Gina Cass-Gottlieb, delivered the ACCC’s annual compliance and enforcement priorities for 2023 to 2024. ACCC continues to press big business to cut unfair contract terms - Stevedore companies DP World Australia, Hutchison Ports Australia and Victorian International Container Terminal (VICT) have agreed to remove or amend terms in their standard form contracts that the ACCC considered were likely to be “unfair” within the meaning of the Australian Consumer Law. ACCC Crackdown on Unfair Contract Terms - Are Your Contracts Fair? - ACCC Crackdown on Unfair Contract Terms - Are Your Contracts Fair? ACCC steps in as standard form contract goes pear-shaped - The ACCC has continued to show its willingness to deal with businesses that fall foul of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) unfair contract terms provisions. ACL unfair contract terms provisions start to bite: JJ Richards contract terms declared unfair and void - The Federal Court of Australia has made orders by consent declaring unfair and void eight terms in JJ Richards & Sons’ standard form contract. Additional Services and My Aged Care: some much needed clarity? - On, or around 22 July 2019, the Department of Health updated its My Aged Care website section on aged care fees to include the following section regarding additional services. Additional Services in Residential Aged Care: What you need to know - The ability to offer and charge for Additional Services has been available since 1997 with the commencement of the Aged Care Act. Advance Care Directives and Medical Treatment Decision Makers - 4 things for health practitioners and facilities to be aware of - The new Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 has now been operable for almost two months. The new Act introduced legal Advance Care Directives and changed the mechanism for appointing a person to make decisions on your behalf if you lose capacity. Aged Care Alert - Dignity of risk in aged care: benefits and limitations of waivers, releases and indemnities - As aged care providers continue to grapple with balancing their duty of care and their obligation to respect their clients’ dignity of risk, some are asking clients to sign an acknowledgment which includes waivers/releases and indemnities as a way of mitigating the risks. Aged Care Alert | Aged care reform on hold; the Aged Care Royal Commission Response Bill no 2. no longer proceeding. - The reform agenda anticipated in the wake of the Aged Care Royal Commission Final Report has been halted by the election. Aged Care Alert | Flu vaccination mandates in the aged care sector in 2022 - Whilst the current Commonwealth government has not made it clear whether they will mandate flu vaccinations in aged care in 2022, Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory have all introduced new mandates to varying degrees in respect of residents, visitors, employees and volunteers in residential aged care facilities. Aged Care Alert | Sector Faces M&A Law Reforms - For the aged care sector, the reforms are significant given the increasing consolidation of providers. This will not only impact larger portfolio transactions including those involving private equity, but also acquisitions involving larger established providers (both for profit and not for profit) and potentially smaller single site or regional services. Aged Care Alert: 6 tips for responding to Aged Care Audit Reports - As the industry is no doubt aware, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (Commission) has ramped up its regulatory activity in both residential and home care over the last few months. With unprecedented staffing shortages, many providers, including those with previously flawless compliance histories, are being found to be non-compliant with one or more of the Aged Care Quality Standards. Aged Care Alert: New Aged Care Bills have landed – An overview of expected reform - The reform agenda anticipated in the wake of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Royal Commission) has recommenced. Aged Care Alert: New governance and accountability requirements for approved providers - As part of the federal government’s response to the Aged Care Royal Commission, a second update of legislative amendments have been proposed. Aged care and the COVID-19 pandemic: 10 legal tips for residential aged care providers - The World Health Organization today declared COVID-19 a pandemic. With cases rising in Australia, particularly from community transmission, COVID-19 will present significant ongoing challenges to the aged care industry for months to come. Aged Care Bulletin 1 August 2019 - The latest insights from our award winning Aged Care legal team. Aged Care Bulletin 20 February 2020 - The latest insights from our award winning Aged Care legal team. Aged Care Bulletin 29 August 2019 - The latest insights from our award winning Aged Care legal team. Aged Care Bulletin 5 December 2019 - The latest insights from our award winning Aged Care legal team. Aged Care Bulletin 8 October 2019 - The latest insights from our award winning Aged Care legal team. Aged Care sector pay increase – what providers need to know - On 4 November 2022, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (Commission) published its decision that it was satisfied that a 15% interim increase in minimum wages for direct age care workers covered by the Aged Care Award 2010, Nurses Award 2020 and Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (Awards) Aged Care Video Alert - COVID-19: To see or not to see - visitations in residential aged care - Senior Associate Dr Melanie Tan has filmed a short video discussing visitations in residential aged care and the tension that exists between the health and safety of residents, and their rights and entitlements under the Aged Care Act. Aged Care Video Alert: Dignity of Risk - Dr Melanie Tan provides a video update on dignity of risk in the aged care sector. Aged Care Video Alert: Voluntary Assisted Dying Update - 25 June 2019 - The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic) (Act) commenced in Victoria on 19 June 2019. We have prepared a short video to keep you updated on the information you need to know and be aware of: • What is VAD and who does it apply to? • What is the role of aged care providers? • What do you need to do to prepare? Aged care worker screening requirements: when will NDIS Worker Screening Checks suffice? - Approved providers must satisfy aged care worker screening requirements under the Aged Care Act (1997) (Cth) (the Act) and the Accountability Principles 2014, to ensure that persons with certain criminal convictions do not provide aged care. AGM Report Card from ASIC: "Significantly less tumultuous" - On 29 January 2018, ASIC published its overview of the 2017 annual general meeting (AGM) season, concluding that the latest AGM season was “significantly less tumultuous” than previous years. Ahpra and Medical Board accept recommendations of independent review into regulation of cosmetic surgery - All 16 recommendations contained in the final report from the Independent review of the regulation of medical practitioners who perform cosmetic surgery (Review) have been accepted by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the Medical Board of Australia (Medical Board). Ahpra considers independent review of overseas health practitioner settings - A recent review was conducted by Robyn Kruk AO, into the regulatory arrangements for registration of overseas health practitioners wishing to practice in Australia. Alternative law on the calculation of solatium for compulsory acquisition of land - When an interest in land is compulsorily acquired, a claimant can be entitled to solatium pursuant to s.44 of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986. Solatium is compensation for the intangible and non-pecuniary disadvantages resulting from the acquisition. Amendments to data sharing arrangements for quality and safety purposes - If your organisation is a public health service, public hospital, multi-purpose service, denominational hospital, private hospital, or day procedure centre, as well as other prescribed entities (together, health service entities), it may be affected by the recent changes to data sharing under the Health Services Act 1988. Amendments to information sharing for specified health services - The Health Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2021 (Vic) (Bill) was introduced on 5 October 2021 to amend the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic) (Act), establishing a centralised electronic system to assist public hospital and other health services to share specified patient health information. Amendments to quality and safety reviews for health service entities - The Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety) Bill (Vic) (Bill) was introduced on 30 November 2021 to amend the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic) (Act), ensuring that Victorians have confidence in the safety and quality of its health care system. The reforms are aiming to achieve a balance between transparency and accountability in the system whilst also protecting and preventing harm through in depth reviews. Amendments to the Building Act 1993 on 16 August 2017 - The Building Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Act 2017 (“Amendment Act”) which received royal assent on 23 May 2017, proposes amendments to the Building Act 1993 (“Act”). Amendments to the COVID-19 Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme as of 29 September 2020 - On 29 September 2020, the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Commercial Leases and Licences) Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2020 (Amending Regulations) came into force. Amends to the Insolvency Law Reform Act - On 1 March 2017 the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 (ILRA), came into effect, significantly changing the rights of creditors to access information from Trustees and Liquidators. The Insolvency Law Reform Act amended the Bankruptcy Act 1996 (Cth) and the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by adding what have been called the “Insolvency Practice Schedules” (IPS). An update on the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System - With public hearings finishing up on 26 July 2019, now is a good time to reflect on how the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System has progressed and what we can expect moving forward. Annualised wages – new obligations on employers - Earlier this year, the Fair Work Commission published its decision in relation to the 4 year review of annualised wage arrangement provisions in modern awards, available here. From 1 March 2020, annualised salary clauses in many awards will be replaced with a standard clause containing more comprehensive obligations. Standard clauses will also be added to other awards. Anti-corruption on a national scale - The newly formed National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) commenced operating in July this year. Whilst the NACC will be responsible for educating the public sector on corruption risks and prevention strategies, it seems the bulk of the new Commissioner’s work will be undertaking investigations with there being more than 1494 referrals to the Commissions already and it is clear that the investigative powers of the Commission are far reaching. Are Guarantees in Aged Care Unenforceable? - RK have recently become aware of an article making some questionable claims about third party guarantees in residential aged care. Are you being watched? The risks of "nanny-cams" in residential aged care - There has been commentary advocating the increased use of hidden cameras in the aged care industry. Are you paying superannuation on annual leave loading? ATO clarifies position - Superannuation contributions are calculated on an employee’s ‘ordinary time earnings’ (OTE). The ATO has recently confirmed that OTE may include annual leave loading. Are you ready for changes to Australia’s unfair contract terms regime? - From 9 November 2023, Australia’s unfair contract terms regime is changing. The changes include expanding the unfair contract terms regime to ‘small businesses’ that have fewer than 100 employees OR turnover of less than $10m. New civil penalty provisions for non-compliance will also apply. Artificial Insemination: Who are the legal parents? - Having a child through artificial insemination attracts an array of unique uncertainties that are not experienced by individuals who biologically conceive. One such uncertainty is, who are the parents to the child? ASIC brings first action against a director for failing to have a DIN - On 19 March 2024, ASIC commenced the first prosecution against a director for failing to comply with the obligations to have a DIN. A director appeared in the Downing Centre Local Court and was formally charged with contravening section 1272c(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by failing to obtain a DIN. ASIC introduces e-lodgement - ASIC now facilitates the electronic lodgement of fundraising and takeover documents that have historically been provided in hard copy at ASIC offices. Further, as of 4 July 2018, the fees for a number of document lodgements and applications have increased. ASIC releases final guidance on whistleblower policies and relief for smaller not-for-profits - The new Australian whistleblower laws commenced on 1 July 2019 and included a requirement that all “public” (including not-for-profits registered as public companies limited by guarantee) and “large proprietary” companies have a complying whistleblower policy in place from 1 January 2020. ASIC Report on the Regulation of Corporate Finance - ASIC has published its latest report on corporate finance regulation in Australia, recently releasing Report 567 ASIC Regulation of Corporate Finance: July to December 2017 ("Report"). ASIC Report on the Regulation of Corporate Finance - Update - ASIC has published its latest report on corporate finance regulation in Australia, recently releasing Report 589 ASIC Regulation of Corporate Finance: January to June 2018 ("Report"). ASIC Report on the Regulation of Corporate Finance - Update 28 March 2019 - ASIC has published its latest report on corporate finance regulation in Australia, recently releasing Report 612 ASIC Regulation of Corporate Finance: July to December 2018 ("Report"). Australia Still Attracting Foreign Investment - On 29 May 2018, the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) released its Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2017, finding that Australia remains an attractive destination for foreign investment despite a significant reduction in the number and value of residential real estate applications. Australian Consumer Law Update - May 2019 - Principal and Corporate & Commercial practice group leader Rohan Harris provides an update on Australian Consumer Law. Australian Consumer Law video update: Extended Warranties - New Mandatory Text - Stephanie Quatela, associate in the Corporate and Commercial team at Russell Kennedy Lawyers, provides and update on Australian Consumer Law. Authorised Officers’ powers of entry and inspection under the Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) - On 1 July 2021 the Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) (“Act”) was amended reforming environment protection legislation in Victoria to a duty-based, prevention-focused regime, and with it strengthened investigation and inquiry powers for authorised officers, including use of surveillance tools. Banking Royal Commission – Key lessons for company directors - The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry has concluded with the Honourable Justice Hayne submitting his final report on 1 February 2019. Barking dogs – No laughing matter - Russell Kennedy Lawyers were recently engaged by Glen Eira City Council to prosecute numerous breaches of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Vic) (Act) relating to a dog causing a nuisance by continually barking. Behaviour Support Plans – Are you ready for 1 September 2021? - Approved providers are familiar with care and services planning. It is a requirement under the Aged Care Quality Standards: Standard 2, that approved providers undertake initial and ongoing assessment and planning for care and services in partnership with the consumer. However, from 1 September 2021, approved providers will be expected to have in place a behaviour support plan for any care recipient that requires behaviour support. This will form part of that care recipient’s existing care and services plan. Better, but not best - new intestacy laws - Do you have a valid Will? Do you know what would happen to your assets if you died without a Will tomorrow? Beware: associate, advisory or non-voting directors as members of an approved provider governing body - As we help our approved provider clients prepare their governing bodies to include a majority of independent non-executive persons, we are continuing to see questions and confusion about whether advisory or non-voting persons can help to meet this requirement. Bill Kills Sunset Clauses - If the Victorian government’s Sale of Land Amendment Bill 2018 (Bill) is passed, property developers will have to obtain the purchaser’s consent to rescind the contract under a ‘sunset clause’ in a residential off-the-plan contract of sale for land (Contract). Bitcoin & Death - What will happen to your Facebook account when you die? How about your tweets on Twitter? Photos on iCloud? What about your songs on iTunes? BNPL and Credit Licensees – beat the rush - On 22 May 2023, the Financial Services Minister, Stephen Jones told the Lending and Borrowing Conference in Sydney that the Government intends to increase regulation on businesses providing buy now, pay later (BNPL) services. Brand Protection - Put yourself in these shoes… Brodie’s Law – Workplace Bullying - On 31 May, 2011 the Victorian Parliament passed the Crimes Amendment (Bullying) Act 2011, referred to in the media as “Brodie’s Law”, amending the Crimes Act 1958. The purpose of the law was to alter the crime of stalking to include behaviour that is generally characterised as bullying. Building Act Injunctions - Supreme Court Judgment - The recent Supreme Court judgment of Carson v Turner & Ors [2019] VSC 427 has the potential to raise issues regarding the enforcement of building orders. Building and Construction Alert | Raising the Roof on Construction Costs - The costs of materials is rapidly increasing in the construction industry. This is giving rise to various cost and time challenges for construction industry participants. Building used for display purposes may not require a building permit - The recent Building Appeals Board (Board) decision of Keymore Pty Ltd v Brewer [2020] VBAB has provided some guidance on the meaning of item 6 of schedule 3 of the Building Regulations 2018 (Vic) (Regulations). Bullying by management: How to get it wrong and then get it right - A recent Fair Work Commission decision demonstrates the hurdles for employees seeking orders to stop bullying. Bupa case and the impact on additional services - The recent coverage around the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) filing in the Federal Court against Bupa marks a first in the regulation of aged care providers. Businesses must consider Modern Slavery risks - Last week representatives from Russell Kennedy attended a Panel Discussion held by Project Respect on the Modern Slavery Bill 2018 (Cth) (the Bill). Buyers of New Homes to pay GST to ATO - Buyers of New Homes to pay GST to ATO Buying a Unit? Why Strata Inspections are Important - When purchasing a strata unit: - It is extremely important from a due diligence point of view to arrange for an independent strata books and records inspection of the Owners Corporation records to be carried out prior to entering into a Contract to purchase a strata unit (residential or commercial); and Cafes, restaurants and bars – what to do if the Government closes your doors - Usually, it's the change of season that influences people’s plans to head out and eat. Restaurant, bar and café owners are prepared for a rainy day as summer turns to autumn. But nothing has quite prepared the hospitality industry for the unprecedented effects of COVID-19. Can employers make vaccinations and temperature checks mandatory in today’s climate? - As the government’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout progresses, many employers are asking whether they can direct their employees to be vaccinated. At the time of writing this article, the general stance of both state and federal governments was that the COVID-19 vaccine would not be mandated for workers, however following the most recent outbreak in Victoria, the federal government is now reconsidering whether to mandate the vaccination for aged care workers. So far, only Queensland and Western Australia have issued public health orders mandating coronavirus vaccinations for employees in very specific settings, such as the hotel quarantine system. Can my pet be in my Will? - While Take Your Dog to Work Day highlights the importance of our furry friends in our daily lives, it’s equally important to think ahead and ensure your beloved pets are taken care of even after you’re gone. Can trainees’ personal reflections be used in Court? (Revisited) - The 2019 case in the UK of Dr Bawa-Garba has raised concerns in Australia and New Zealand for young doctors and trainees. Can you “set and forget” your estate plan? - A well-crafted Estate plan can be flexible enough to work for a number of years. It can be drafted to have “one eye on the present” and “half an eye on the future”. But even the best laid plans can be undone by the unforeseeable. So what could prompt you to review your Estate plan? Case alert: Kozarov v State of Victoria [2022] HCA 12 - The High Court of Australia has delivered judgment in the matter of Kozarov v State of Victoria [2022] HCA 12 (Kozarov). Case Study: Does a grandparent have a duty to provide for their grandchild under their Will? - The Supreme Court of Victoria recently released its judgment of Veniou v Equity Trustees Limited [2018] VSC 832. Russell Kennedy acted for Equity Trustees in successfully obtaining summary judgment and defending the application made by a grandchild who made a claim for provision against her grandmother’s estate. Change to Family Law Act take effect on 6 May 2024 - In a 5-part video series, Russell Kennedy Principal, Family law solicitor and Accredited Specialist in Family law, Simone Green, outlines these changes commencing on 6 May 2024. Changes to Australia’s workplace relations laws continue – Closing loopholes or creating uncertainties? - On 4 September 2023, the Labor Government introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 into Parliament. Changes to Family Law Act start on 6 May 2024 - Following an enquiry into the family law system by the Australian Law Reform Commission, Parliament adopted some of the key recommendations with an aim to simplify the Family Law Act (1975) and make it more user friendly for those within the system. In a 5-part video series, Russell Kennedy Principal, Family law solicitor and Accredited Specialist in Family law, Simone Green, outlines these changes commencing on 6 May 2024. Changes to IVF laws take effect - The Victorian government has enacted further changes to IVF laws commencing 15 August 2022, based on the Gorton Review, the report of Russell Kennedy Principal, Michael Gorton AM. Changes to the Health Complaints Act 2016 and the Health Services Act 1988 - The Health Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill Changes to the Main Residence Exemption for Expats: The effect on deceased estates - As previously set out in ‘Expats have until 30 June 2020 to sell main residence’, legislation assented to on 12 December 2019 radically amended the availability of the main residence exemption on capital gains tax (CGT) for foreign residents for tax purposes. Changes to the Medical Power of Attorney Legislation - Is your estate plan complete? New laws provide for comprehensive appointment of medical treatment decision makers Changes to Various Laws Affecting Local Governments as a Result of Emergency Measures to Manage COVID–19 Crisis - You will probably already be aware that the Victorian Government recently passed the COVID 19-Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020 (Omnibus Act) which came into operation on the 25 April 2020. Charity Alert | DGR Reform - What you need to know - Giving to deductible gift recipients (DGR) is the ‘charity of choice’ for most Australians, this is because people who give more than $2 to an entity with DGR status can claim a 100% tax deduction for their donation. Charity Alert | Giving Funds 101 – what you need to know - On 5 December 2024, Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP announced the Government’s intention to reform aspects of the law relating to philanthropic giving. This was in response to the recommendations made by the Productivity Commission in its philanthropy inquiry report, “Future foundations for giving” released to the public on 18 July 2024 (Report). China’s restriction on import of recyclables - impact on Victorian Local Government - What has happened? On 1 January 2018 the People’s Republic of China (China) imposed restrictions on the import of recyclable materials into China. Choosing Guardians – A Parent’s Responsibility - It often goes without saying that the key aspect of parenting is the care and well-being of your children and most parents work tirelessly to provide for the proper care and safety of their children. Choosing the Right Executor - Choosing the right executor isn’t necessarily difficult but in this blog we’ve put together some tips to make it easier. Christmas parties, pubs, and compensability: A recent ruling on employment nexus in Mason v R&R McClure Excavations Pty Ltd - For those who practice in the no-fault WorkCover jurisdiction, case law pertaining to the question of employment nexus might fairly be characterised as a rather discrete and dedicated line of authority. Claiming for Building Defects: A guide to limitation periods - Before contemplating litigation for building or strata defect claims the first thing that you need to ask yourself is “Am I out of time?” When claiming for building defects there are limitation periods. Clarification on award entitlements for aged care, health professionals and support services casuals: overtime calculated inclusive of casual loading - Late last month the Fair Work Commission, in 4 yearly review of modern awards – Overtime for casuals, confirmed that for casuals under the Aged Care Award 2010 and the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020, overtime calculations must include casual loading. Classifying employees under an enterprise agreement or modern award - A recent Fair Work Commission decision highlights the importance of properly identifying and communicating an employee’s classification under an award or enterprise agreement. Climate change strategic litigation – a glimmer of hope from New Zealand - In November last year, law student Sarah Thomson lost her legal battle with New Zealand’s Minister for Climate Change Issues. While her application was unsuccessful, Justice Jillian Mallon’s judgment may give some hope to those in other common law countries when considering strategic litigation related to climate change. Clinical governance, risk and duty of care for aged care providers in times of COVID-19: a look at CPR - The additional scrutiny on aged care as a result of COVID-19 draws particular attention to issues such as infection control and workforce management. Closing Loopholes Bill split into two – what you need to know - On 4 September 2023, the Labor Government introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 into Parliament, proposing significant changes to workplace laws. Please see our previous article on the Bill. Closing Loopholes No. 2 passes Parliament - The Labor Government’s Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Bill 2023 passed both Houses of Parliament on 12 February 2024 and awaits Royal Assent. This alert canvasses the key changes implemented by the Bill and when the changes come into effect. Code of Conduct for Aged Care – are you and your workers ready? - As providers are aware, the new Code of Conduct which applies to approved providers, their governing persons and aged care workers (including subcontracted workers), commences on 1 December this year. Code of Conduct: Transition Towards Implementation - With the introduction of the Retirement Living Code of Conduct (the Code), operators have a transitional period of 12 months to ensure they are ready to fully comply with the Code. Comensoli v O’Connor, entitlement to draw comparison of the life of the victim with the lives of siblings when assessing damages - Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal approves the entitlement to draw comparison of the life of the victim with the lives of siblings when assessing damages. This is a Supreme Court of Victoria, Court of Appeal, decision in respect of the original decision of His Honour Justice Keogh on 9 June 2022, O’Connor v Comensoli [2022] VSC 313. Commencement of New South Wales Strata Hub annual reporting requirements reminder - As of 30 June 2022, under amendments made by the New South Wales Government to the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, strata schemes must file a return within 3 months of each annual general meeting and pay an annual fee of $3.00 per lot. Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme extended: 2022 Amendments - The Victorian Government has again extended the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme (CTRS) to support small to medium businesses. This version of the CTRS looks familiar, but there are some key differences to consider for landlords and tenants. Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme: A Breakdown - The CTRS is being implemented in Victoria through the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme Act 2021 (Act) and the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme Regulations 2021 (Regulations). The Regulations were published on 24 August 2021, and are in effect from 28 July 2021 until 15 January 2022 (protection period). Considering offering a self-management option in home care? Key considerations for aged care providers moving into the home care space - In 2018, Russell Kennedy published an article about the challenges for aged care providers when offering self-management models to home care clients. Since then self-management models have continued to become increasingly common and the new standardised Pricing Schedule has an option for self-management. Construction and Infrastructure Alert | Proposed Update to AS 4000-1997 - The AS 4000-1997 General Conditions of Contract, is being updated by its publisher, Standards Australia. The AS 4000 - 1997 is a standard form ‘construct only’ agreement and is widely used throughout the construction industry. However, it has not been updated since 1997. In 2022, Standards Australia began the process of updating the AS 4000 - 1997 to reflect developments in legislation and case law and to improve the structure of the contract to better align with modern standard form contracts. Standards Australia has made the updated AS 4000 - 1997 available for public review and feedback until 29 May 2024. If adopted by Standards Australia the new standard form will be titled AS 4000 – 2024. Consumer Directed Care & Self-Management in Home Care - As more consumers self-manage their home care packages - what are the risks for providers and how can those risks be minimised? Contaminated ‘Land’ – integration of planning and environmental regulation - The Victorian Government has prepared a suite of proposed statutory instruments that will amend the Victorian Planning Provisions Framework to integrate the legal changes relating to contaminated land as envisioned by the soon to be amended Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic). Converting the (casual) masses: Fair Work Commission expands the rights of casual workers - Share Email Print As part of the Fair Work Commission’s four-yearly review of modern awards, on 5 July 2017 the Commission handed down a decision which will allow many more casuals to convert to permanent full-time or part-time employment. Corporate Advisory Alert - Get your DIN applications in – Director Identification Numbers deadline fast approaching - The deadline for directors appointed on or before 31 October 2021 to register their Director Identification Number (DIN) is 30 November 2022. Any directors who do not have a DIN need to register now to avoid penalties. Corrupting benefits laws – what do employers need to know? - The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has been amended to prohibit “sweetheart deals” between employers and unions by criminalising “corrupting benefits” passing between them. Could UK Inheritance Tax Affect Your Estate? - Australia abolished its inheritance tax regime in the late 1970’s (although there are certain capital gains tax implications for assets passing to your beneficiaries). Even superannuation can pass to some (but not all) beneficiaries tax free. However, just because you were living in Australia at your date of death, it does not necessarily mean that your estate is outside the reaches of foreign inheritance taxes. Could you be in a de facto relationship and not even know it? - The Family Law Act contains provisions which set out the requirements for a de facto relationship by law. De facto relationship laws in NSW cover a range of family law issues including the division of property, maintenance, financial agreements, and the superannuation of individuals in these relationships. The provisions of the Family Law Act apply to both heterosexual and LGBTQI relationships. Also, The Child Support (Assessment) Act applies to same-sex couples. Councils and water corporations need to be aware of Windfall Gains Tax – How to maximise returns from sale of assets - Windfall Gains Tax (WGT) applies to sales of public land in the hands of water corporations and Councils following rezoning. There are only a few relevant exemptions. Court considers the meaning of a 'bedroom' in a rooming house case - Magistrates’ Court affirms Improvement Notice issued under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act Court of Appeal – Power of Building Surveyors (City of Port Phillip v Shout Rock Cafes Pty Ltd) - City of Port Phillip v Shout Rock Cafes Pty Ltd (ACN 007 168 809) Anor 1. Building surveyors play a critical role in achieving the objects of the Building Act 1993 (Vic) (Act), particularly to regulate building work and building standards. Supreme Court Precedent the Subject of the Appeal to the Court of Appeal 2. The matter of Shout Rock Cafes Pty Ltd v City of Port Phillip [2022] VSC 615 in which Russell Kennedy Lawyers acted for Port Phillip City Council, raised an important question as to the proper construction of a power that may be exercised by building surveyors in exercising this critical role, namely, the issuing of a building order and a building order for minor work under section 111 and section 113 of the Act. Covert recordings – a valid reason for dismissal? - It is easy to see why an employee who, rightly or wrongly, thinks that they are protecting their interests by secretly recording a conversation with their employer. Such recordings will generally be made in the context of a disciplinary or performance-based meeting, where the employee has a sense of injustice about the process. COVID Series: COVID-19 and the impact on parenting arrangements - COVID-19 presents challenges for parents with or without parenting Orders, which can make it difficult if not impossible for parties to comply with existing arrangements or Court Orders. This has created uncertainty for parents and for children. COVID Series: Do I need to go to Court during lockdown? - Like many institutions during COVID, the Family Law Courts across Australia also had to quickly adapt and make changes so that the cases before them could continue with only minor delay and disruption when Australia first encountered COVID at the start of 2020. COVID Series: Family Violence during lockdown - Like many institutions during COVID, the Family Law Courts across Australia also had to quickly adapt and make changes so that the cases before them could continue with only minor delay and disruption when Australia first encountered COVID at the start of 2020. COVID-19 - How to protect your employees - The World Health Organisation has declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Employers are now facing hard choices as to how to protect their workforce, clients and business in this increasingly anxious climate. COVID-19 – Is it time to get a contingency plan in place for your AGM? - Given the uncertainty with COVID-19 at the present time there are a number of options that companies need to consider when contingency planning for their Annual General Meeting (AGM). COVID-19 - Video Witnessing Now Legal - The NSW government has introduced a new temporary regulation to reduce face to face contact during the Covid19 pandemic period. COVID-19 and changes to the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme in Victoria - The Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme has been extended for commercial properties in Victoria in response to the ever-changing COVID-19 landscape. COVID-19 Guidance Note on changes to the foreign investment framework - In our 7 April 2020 Alert titled COVID-19 Update: What you need to know about temporary changes to Australia’s Foreign Investment Framework we discussed the Morrison Governments’ temporary changes to the foreign investment review framework in which the existing thresholds for foreign investments in Australia which are subject to the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Act) were removed. COVID-19 Insolvency Update: Voidable transactions - Key issues for creditors - In this article, we discuss voidable transactions, particularly unfair preferences, in this context of the current Covid-19 amendments to the Corporations Act. COVID-19 Insolvency Update: Extension to the Temporary Relief for Financially Distressed Businesses - The Federal Government has recently introduced the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Bill 2020 (Bill). COVID-19 Insolvency Update: Safe Harbour - Weathering the Storm - Following the recently announced extension of the JobKeeper programme and the Federal Government’s Budget Update, we revisit the relief measures available to corporations experiencing financial distress during the COVID-19 pandemic, which are currently scheduled to end in September. COVID-19 outbreaks: WorkCover investigates residential aged care providers - The protection of Australians in residential aged care facilities has been a priority of governments throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In Victoria, a number of facilities have experienced COVID-19 outbreaks, particularly throughout 2020. Sadly, many of these outbreaks resulted in the deaths of residents. We are now aware that the Victorian WorkCover Authority (WorkCover) is investigating the circumstances of these deaths. Some providers of residential aged care (providers) have now been issued with a Notice to Give Information and Produce Documents (Notice) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Act). These investigations could form the basis of criminal prosecutions. COVID-19 payroll tax relief measures - The majority of State and Territory Revenue offices have recently announced various measures to provide payroll tax relief to businesses in response to COVID-19 and associated economic impacts. These measures range from tax waivers and deferrals, increases to the tax threshold, tax refunds and grants, and differ for each state or territory and depending on the size of the business payroll. COVID-19 Update: What you need to know about temporary changes to Australia’s Foreign Investment Framework - The Morrison Government has announced temporary changes to the foreign investment review framework by removing the existing thresholds for foreign investments in Australia which are subject to the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Act). COVID-19 Update: Temporary relief granted for capital raising - In recognition that many listed entities will need to raise capital urgently to sustain themselves during the COVID-19 crisis, the ASX has announced temporary capital raising relief, while ASIC has announced temporary relief to enable certain ‘low doc’ offers, such as rights offers, placements and share purchase plans, to be made to investors even if they do not meet all the normal requirements. COVID-19 visitation rules: managing visitors who oppose visitation requirements - The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has posed a significant challenge to the aged care sector. The indiscriminant spread of COVID-19 through the sector and ever-changing guidance and regulation has required approved providers of residential aged care facilities (RACFs) to adapt quickly to mitigate against the risk of COVID-19 transmission and infection. COVID-19: Impact on residents’ rights to security of tenure in aged care homes - The States are moving to further protect vulnerable residents of aged care facilities by restricting the movement of those residents who put themselves at risk of contracting COVID-19. Crossing the boundaries: when can employers intervene in personal relationships in the workplace? - Workplace romances have recently been in the spotlight thanks to two highly publicised news stories. Crowd-Sourced Equity Funding Takes Off - Earlier this month, ASIC issued the first licences to crowd-sourced equity funding (CSF) intermediaries, enabling public unlisted companies to launch CSF campaigns via their platforms. Already, the first crowdfunds have begun to go live, with one raising $500,000 in less than a day. The next step is for CSF to be extended to private companies, which is expected to come into effect from the middle of this year. Crowd-Sourced Funding For Private Companies Finally Launches - Private companies can now access the Government’s equity crowd-funding reforms, after they were passed almost a year after being introduced. Crucial changes to the Sale of Land Act 1962 (Vic) are coming into effect on 1 March 2020. How can developers avoid some costly mistakes? - The final changes from the Sale of Land Amendment Act 2019 (Vic) (Amendment Act) come into effect on 1 March 2020. Crypto consultation: The Australian token mapping exercise - On 3 February 2023, Treasury released its ‘Token Mapping Consultation Paper’ (Consultation Paper). The paper seeks to explore how existing regulation applies to the crypto sector and to inform future policy choices in the crypto industry. Current Key Personnel and Historic Suitability Matters – Are they still suitable to be key personnel? - The new Key Personnel in Aged Care reforms commence 1 December 2022. They affect board members, employees, contractors, consultants and volunteers who are key personnel as at 1 December or who become key personnel. Current mergers and acquisitions activity in the aged care sector – by Rohan Harris - Rohan Harris recently had the opportunity to speak at the ACSA Annual Finance Symposium about what I see as a “two speed economy” which is continuing to play out for not-for-profit residential aged care providers. This has and will continue to drive mergers and acquisitions in the sector. De Facto Relationships and Your Rights - 7 May 2023 is International Family Equality Day (IFED), a day focused on the importance of equality and family diversity. Deadline Approaching: Operations Reporting due by 31 October 2024 - Time running out to complete mandatory Operations Reporting due 31 October! Dealing with bullying allegations against school principals - A recent Federal Court decision highlights the risks for school principals when disciplining staff who have made bullying complaints against them, and the importance of getting advice before commencing any disciplinary process. Dealing with commercial leases in the time of COVID-19 - In these turbulent and unpredictable times, the impacts and challenges that COVID-19 bring to daily life continue to evolve on a daily, and even hourly, basis. COVID-19 will continue to cause significant disruption and challenges to all persons, business and governments on a global scale. Death and digital assets – Decoding digital assets in estate administration - The ever-evolving digital landscape has changed the concept of what an asset is, beyond that of mere physical possessions to now including numerous virtual and digital properties. From cryptocurrencies to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), digital assets are now a fundamental part of our everyday lives. Delegates’ Rights to be enshrined in legislation - As part of the Closing the Loopholes Amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the Act) which received royal assent on 14 December 2023, there are a number of changes to workplace delegates’ rights. Employers need to be aware of these rights, especially when managing employee representation in the workplace, ensuring they are complying with new leave, communication and access obligations and when negotiating a new enterprise agreement. Dementia Fact Sheet - Dementia – a simple fact sheet. Developer fined for moving and burying soil containing asbestos in contravention of a planning permit - Russell Kennedy Lawyers were engaged by Hobsons Bay City Council to prosecute a breach of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic) (Act) regarding land developed in contravention of a Planning Permit. Developers and Owners Corporations: When can you break the rules? - The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal affirms the decision in Balcombe. Owners corporations’ rule-making powers are very narrow and must not seek to punish lot owners. Did the aged care industry budget for the 2018-2019 Budget? - In the 2018-2019 Budget, aged care providers were informed that the government would be introducing a levy to fund the Accommodation Payment Security Scheme ("Scheme"). Did the pandemic affect your relationship? - The COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges and deeply affected people’s relationships and families. If your relationship was affected and you and your partner are seeking a separation or divorce, we’ve outlined 5 common questions that arise when seeking a divorce. Difficult barriers to redeployment will not 'inoculate’ employers against unfair dismissal - On Friday 5 April 2024, the Full Federal Court of Australia made it clear in an appeal from the Fair Work Commission, that an employer’s reliance on external labour, such as contractors, will be a relevant consideration, when determining if an employee’s redundancy is ‘genuine’. Directors - Is Your Financial Literacy Good Enough? - Directors - Is Your Financial Literacy Good Enough? Directors convicted of industrial manslaughter in Queensland - Last year we published an alert about the new Workplace Manslaughter laws coming into effect in Victoria in July 2020. At that time, while there were comparable schemes in Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory, there had been no cases determined. On 11 June 2020 the Queensland District Court made the first conviction for industrial manslaughter offences in Australia. DIRECTORS' DUTY TO IDENTIFY (themselves) - As an update to our August 2020 Alert, we outline here how the Australian Federal Government has introduced what will be known as the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) Program as part of its 2020 Budget Digital Business Plan.ament recently passed legislation for a new register of directors of Australian companies. Under the Commonwealth Registers Act 2020, directors will be required to register and be issued with their own unique Director Identification Number (DIN). Director's liabilities and phoenix activity targeted - The 2018 budget update for company directors. On 8 May 2018, Treasurer Scott Morrison delivered the 2018 Budget, new measures to increase director liabilities and compliance were revealed, specifically targeting illegal company ‘phoenix activity’. Disciplinary Action by Committees in the Health Sector - The need for "Natural Justice" - If someone had made allegations against you, how would you wish them to deal with you in any proposed disciplinary proceedings? Would you expect to be dealt with fairly? Disclosure Requirements Update: Retirement Living - Retirement Living Operators should note that the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) has released the updated form of Factsheets which must be used from 1 March 2018. Discrimination and Criminal Records - The new Australian Human Rights Commission Regulations 2019 (Regulations) were recently enacted, arguably expanding the circumstances in which an employer can discriminate on the basis of a current or prospective employee’s criminal record under Commonwealth law. Discrimination v Safety: Determining an Employee’s Capacity for Work - Our 8 March 2017 seminar raised a number of hot topics about dealing with employee injuries, illnesses and absences that are not work-related. In this Alert we explore one of those topics in more detail. Dispute Resolution Alert | Tree Dispute - You may have suffered damage as a result of fallen branches, have issues with blocked guttering from fallen leaves or your view is being obstructed by your neighbour’s plants – read on to find out what options are available to you. DLW Health Services decision - Federal Court says Aged Care ACFI documents are “riddled with ambiguous, uncertain and inconsistent language” - The Full Court of the Federal Court has made a number of comments about the poor quality of the ACFI documents in a decision handed down on 23 August concerning an appeal from the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Doctors defamed – New actions available - Recent cases expand the basis on which doctors can sue where defamatory and untrue material is published against them. Domestic Violence in Family Law Matters and Tips for Safely Leaving a Relationship - In November each year, White Ribbon day, which is the world's largest movement to end men's violence against women and girls, is observed. Don’t delay – the DIN deadline is 30 November 2022 - All directors of companies registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2006 (CATSI Act) with appointments on or before 31 October 2021 have until 30 November 2022 to apply for a Director Identification Number (DIN). Double trouble: Federal Circuit Court recognises that entitlements for two separate jobs worked by an employee within the same organisation must be calculated independently - The Federal Circuit Court has rejected a claim for unpaid overtime, rest relief and meal entitlements by an employee who worked in two separate part-time positions at Australia Post. Draft Refund Sharing Protocols released – what you need to know - Victoria’s long awaited container deposit scheme (CDS) under the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 (Vic) (CE Act) is due to commence on 1 November 2023. Drawing a line in the sand on vicarious liability - It is fair to characterise the principle of vicarious liability as an intricate and dynamic concept. Although common law practitioners have the benefit of a myriad of case law and commentary to understand its limits and how it applies in every day practice, those very sources have historically acknowledged the principle is complex, often misunderstood and mischaracterised, and perhaps even incapable of plain delineation Drawing the line: when "workplace banter" is unacceptable conduct - A recent Fair Work Commission decision has likened racial slurs made by an employee to incidents of sexual harassment called out in the #MeToo movement, distinguishing between crude conduct and fundamentally unacceptable conduct. Dual Registration (NDIS and Aged Care) Package for Approved Providers - As providers are aware, on 1 December 2020, residential aged care (RAC) providers delivering services to NDIS participants in their facilities automatically became registered NDIS providers. These providers must now decide whether to renew registration or cease providing services to NDIS participants. Duties of Executors and Administrators - An executor is a person nominated by a will to administer the estate of the deceased, while an administrator is a person appointed by the Court generally when the deceased person died intestate (ie without leaving a Will). Duty of Candour introduced by the Victorian Government - Recent Victorian legislation has introduced a new duty and legal obligation for public health services to provide information to patients following a serious adverse event. Principal, Michael Gorton AM, was involved in developing these proposals for government. Elder abuse again thrust into spotlight - On 24 September 2019, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (the Tribunal) handed down a 5 year disqualification to a nurse found to be “overly involved” in the affairs of a patient at a residential aged care facility where the nurse worked as a nurse unit manager. Electronic Execution of Documents Made Permanent - The permanent use of electronic execution of documents has pleasingly been approved, following the passing of the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Bill 2021 (Bill) on 10 February 2022. Electronic signing and virtual witnessing of Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney in New South Wales - NSW: Following the enactment of the Electronic Transaction Amendment (COVID-19 Witnessing of Documents) Regulation 2020 have been amended to allow for Wills, Appointments of Enduring Guardian and Enduring Powers of Attorneys to be witnessed via audio-visual link such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or FaceTime. Electronic signing and virtual witnessing of Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney in Victoria - Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPOA) are now amongst the documents that can be signed and witnessed electronically. Thanks to the rollout of the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Electronic Signing and Witnessing) Regulations 2020 (Regulations), a framework has been released, which sets out the way in which these estate planning documents can be electronically signed and witnessed in Victoria. Electronic signing and virtual witnessing of Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney in Victoria - Victoria: Following the enactment of the Justice Legislation Amendment (System Enhancement and Other Matters) Act 2021 (Vic) (2021 Act), the Wills Act 1997 and the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 have been amended to allow for Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorneys (EPOA) to be signed and witnessed electronically in Victoria on a permanent and ongoing basis. Embracing Family Diversity – Commemorating Australian National Families Week - As Australia celebrates National Families Week, it is vital that we embrace and support the diverse nature of modern families. It is undeniable that family structures have evolved significantly from the traditional nuclear model to blended families, single-parent households, de facto relationships and other non-traditional arrangements. It is imperative that these structures and family dynamics are duly recognised and accommodated when it comes to estate planning and family law to ensure the proper protection and intended distribution of family wealth. Employer compliance obligations under the Respect@Work Bill - The Federal Government’s Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 was passed by the Senate on Monday, 28 November 2022. Enforcement powers in relation to positive duty on organisations to eliminate workplace sexual harassment to commence soon - From 12 December 2023, the Australian Human Rights Commission will have the power to investigate and enforce compliance with the new positive duty on employers and ‘persons conducting a business or undertaking’ to eliminate unlawful sex based conduct including sexual harassment and sex discrimination in the workplace. This change ends the grace period for organisations to prepare and implement measures to ensure compliance with this positive duty. Enhancing the workplace or an intrusion of privacy? As surveillance technology continues to evolve, so too will the debate - Surveillance in the workplace is a topic which attracts controversy. Employers will argue that surveillance technology mitigates work health and safety risks and can optimise the workplace and productivity, for the ultimate benefit of employees. Environment Protection Law Reform - postponed 1 Year - On Thursday, 23 April 2020 the Victorian Parliament passed the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020 (Vic) introducing a range of measures to facilitate the Victorian Government’s response to the pandemic. Environment Protection Regulations 2021, Environment Protection Transitional Regulations 2021 and Environment Reference Standard now made - On 25 May 2021 the Environment Protection Regulations 2021 and the Environment Protection Transitional Regulations 2021 were made with amendments from the second exposure drafts as set out in the Notice of Decision published in the Victorian Government Gazette. Environmental restraint: How Tribunals are likely to view restrictions to wanted items - In our 27 August 2021 alert we noted that earlier this year the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth) (Act) was amended to implement three measures in response to recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Royal Commission), and in the case of restrictive practices, in response to the Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) Independent Provisions Governing the use of Restraint in Residential Aged Care Final Report. Equal Remuneration Decision - Our Employment team discuss equal remuneration. Estate Planning after Receiving a Terminal Diagnosis - It may be the last thing on the mind of a patient or family member who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, but organising one’s estate planning can provide relief and avoid additional stress at a difficult time. Excessive texting at work a valid reason for dismissal - The lines between our work and personal lives are increasingly blurred with people working under a hybrid model due to the coronavirus pandemic. Employees are using personal devices at work, and work devices for personal matters. Expansion of the Disability Worker Exclusion Scheme – new employment screening obligations in effect - On 1 November 2017, the Victorian Disability Worker Exclusion Scheme was expanded to cover all disability services providers, including NDIS providers that are registered with the Department of Health and Human Services, with a 1 February 2018 deadline for completing all checks on existing disability workers. Expats have until 30 June 2020 to sell main residence - Legislation assented to on 12 December 2019 has radically amended the availability of the main residence exemption on capital gains tax (CGT) to foreign residents for tax purposes (expats). Expensive Lesson for Fish and Chips Shop - Russell Kennedy Lawyers was recently engaged by Monash City Council to prosecute the proprietor of ‘Archie’s Fish and Chips’ shop located in Mount Waverley (food premises) for a breach of the Food Act 1984 (Vic) (Act). Failure to follow disciplinary procedures can be costly - High Court rules employee entitled to damages for psychiatric injury caused by employer’s breach of contract. Fair Work Commission – 3.75% Increase to Modern Award Minimum Wages - On Monday 3 June 2024, the Fair Work Commission handed down its Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision, announcing a 3.75% increase to the National Minimum Wage and modern award minimum wage rates from 1 July 2024. Fair Work Commission – 5.75% Increase to Modern Award Minimum Wages - On Friday 2 June 2023, the Fair Work Commission handed down its Annual Wage Review 2022–23 decision, announcing a 5.75% increase to modern award minimum wages. Fair Work Commission Approves 3.5% Increase to Minimum Wage - The Fair Work Commission has today released its annual wage review for the 2017-2018 financial year. Fair Work Commission confirms – right to a support person is not a right to an advocate - Share Email Print Employers are increasingly being frustrated by union representatives and lawyers seeking to speak on behalf of employees during meetings regarding disciplinary and dismissal processes. Last week the Fair Work Commission handed down a helpful decision confirming that there are limits on the role of support persons. Fair Work Commission decides municipal council is covered by anti-bullying jurisdiction - On 18 December 2018, the Fair Work Commission determined that the City of Port Phillip is a constitutional corporation, with the result that it is covered by the Commission’s anti-bullying jurisdiction. Fair Work Commission dismisses a stop bullying application brought by volunteer of a community not-for-profit on the basis he is not a “worker” - On 30 September 2022, the Fair Work Commission (Commission) published its decision to dismiss an application for an order to stop bullying brought by a volunteer of the not-for-profit Down to Earth (Victoria) Co-operative Society Limited (DTE), an entity which organises and funds the annual lifestyle festival “ConFest”, as well as a related event “ConFab”, festivals focused on education and celebration of the arts Fair Work Commission finds NDIS is not yet a reason to increase flexibility in the SCHDSI Award - In July 2017 the Fair Work Commission handed down a decision regarding part-time and casual employment as part of its review of modern awards. Fair Work Commission orders 15% interim pay increase to aged care workers from June 30 – what providers need to know - The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (Full Bench) has ordered a 15% interim pay increase in minimum wages for aged care workers will be introduced in full from 30 June 2023 and has expanded the category of workers it will apply to. The decision was published on Tuesday 21 February. Fair Work Commission supports unpaid Family and Domestic Violence Leave - In March 2017, we published an alert about the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission’s consideration of the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ application for paid family and domestic violence leave to be included in modern awards. Fair Work Wage Theft Laws Commence - Wage theft is now a federal crime under amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) that commenced on 1 January 2025. Employers caught intentionally underpaying staff now risk significant fines, and in the case of individuals, imprisonment, as a result of the changes. Family Law Alert | Improving outcomes for victims of family violence in property proceedings - The Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 (‘Bill’), changes how the Court considers family violence in the context of property proceedings. The Bill has passed through the Senate and the amendments to the Family Law Act will commence on 29 May 2025. Below is a summary of the changes to the Family Law Act in terms of property divisions in circumstances where family violence is a factor in the relationship. Family Law Video Alert: Benefits of a Binding Financial Agreement - Amy Jenkins, Principal from Russell Kennedy's Dispute Resolution team, outlines the benefits of a Binding Financial Agreement. Family Law Video Alert: Divorce - Amy Jenkins, Principal from Russell Kennedy's Dispute Resolution team, outlines the divorce process and considerations for applying for divorce. Family Law Video Alert: Financial Agreements - Amy Jenkins, Principal from Russell Kennedy's Dispute Resolution team, outlines what binding financial agreements are, why they are important, and who should get one. Family Law Video Alert: Separation – Where to start? - If you are going through a separation or considering separating from your partner you are dealing with a range of both emotional and practical challenges at this difficult time. Family Law Video Alert: Separation – Who can help? - If you are going through a separation or considering separating from your partner you are dealing with a range of both emotional and practical challenges at this difficult time. Family Law Video Alert: Spouse Maintenance - Amy Jenkins, Principal from Russell Kennedy's Dispute Resolution team, outlines what spouse maintenance is, who it usually impacts, and what you need to know. Family Violence Leave: Providing organisational support to employees experiencing family violence - In recent years a national dialogue about family violence has taken place in Australia. Federal Budget raises concerns for aged care sector - The Australian Government announced as part of the 2021-2022 Federal Budget, that it would invest $17.7 billion over five years into the aged care sector with a promise of $7.8 billion to reform residential aged care and a $6.5 billion boost to home care. Federal Court dismisses landmark Living Wonders legal challenge to two new coal mines - On Wednesday last week, the Federal Court dismissed two judicial review proceedings which challenged the Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s failure to adequately consider climate change in her risk assessment of two major coal mine expansions in NSW: Mount Pleasant and Narrabi. Federal Court has no truck with purported contracting arrangement - In a recent decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court, two truck drivers were found to be employees despite having worked under contractor and principal arrangements for over 30 years. Federal Government announces reforms to merger laws - The Federal Government has unveiled plans to reform Australia’s merger laws that would mean certain transactions would require the prior approval of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Fingerprint Scanning - Beware! - The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission’s decision in Jeremy Lee v Superior Wood Pty Ltd [2019] FWCFB 2946 highlights the increasing tension between technology and privacy in the workplace. FIRB application fees to double - * As of 29 July 2022, fees payable to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) for applications for foreign investment transactions will double under newly imposed regulations. * Fire Safety in High Rise Buildings – Proposed Amendments to the National Construction Code - Significant changes are on the horizon for building standards relating to fire safety, with draft amendments to all building codes expected to be adopted in March 2018. Building owners and professionals will need to keep up with the planned changes. Flood relief for Council and Vendor - In light of the recent New South Wales floods, many Australians may be wondering who is responsible for decrepit drainage. If you thought Council, continue reading. Flu Vaccinations in Aged Care - New rules have commenced in all States and Territories requiring anyone entering an aged care facility to have a flu vaccination. Flu Vaccinations in care facilities providing aged, disability and welfare services - Thank you for clicking through to the Russell Kennedy Alert – Flu Vaccinations in care facilities providing aged, disability and welfare services, issued 21 April 2020. Follow-Up Alert: Historic Merger Law Reform Passes Parliament - In a significant development, the proposed merger law reforms flagged in earlier articles have been passed by the Commonwealth Parliament and will become law. The new regime will take full effect on 1 January 2026. However, from 1 July 2025, merger parties will have the option to voluntarily notify transactions to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Food Act Prosecution - Chocolate Bar sold by an unregistered food business causes Anaphylactic Reaction - Russell Kennedy Lawyers was recently engaged by Brimbank City Council to prosecute the proprietor of an unregistered food business trading as ‘Spoiled Sweet Co’ operating in Sunshine North (food premises) for breaches of the Food Act 1984 (Vic) (Act). Foreign Investment still strong - FIRB releases 2017-18 Annual Report - On 18 February 2019, the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) released its Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2018, finding that foreign investment remains strong despite a decline in proposed investment from China as Chinese authorities tighten capital controls. Foreign investment still strong amidst significant reforms and temporary measures – FIRB releases 2020-21 Annual Report - On 4 April 2022, the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) released its Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2021, finding that foreign investment increased despite a decline in proposed investment and the introduction of temporary zero dollar approval thresholds. Four Corner’s investigation causes increased attention on the NDIS Commission to effectively regulate and monitor providers - Last week ABC’s Four Corners focused on the findings of a crowd sourced investigation revealing that better regulation was required by the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission (NDIS Commission) to protect vulnerable people living with disability. Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission Upholds Dismissal following Vaccination Refusal - In our recent alert, we reported on the Fair Work Commission’s decision in Jennifer Kimber v Sapphire Community Aged Care Ltd [2021] FWC 1818. That decision was appealed to the Full Bench of the Commission, and was determined on 27 September 2021. While two of the three members of the Full Bench upheld the original decision, the dissenting decision has received significant (and at times misinformed) attention in the media and in the online community. Further changes to restraint rules in aged care: Clarity on the responsibilities of providers - Following the commencement of the new restraint rules (found in Part 4A of the Quality of Care Principles) in July 2019, aged care providers have been waiting for the outcome of the Standing Committee’s review of the rules. Further enforcement action - Failure to obtain Director Identification Numbers - A pair of Western Australian directors have been convicted and fined for the same offence. Alexander Henry and Luke David Mason were convicted on 3 May 2024 for failing to obtain a DIN in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Further proposed changes to Australia’s workplace relations laws – what employers need to know about the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 - The Federal Government’s Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 was introduced into parliament on 29 March 2023. The proposed laws outline six significant changes to employment entitlements in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act), summarised below. Further stakeholder consultation - Victorian Retirement Villages Amendment Bill - In October 2022, the State Government released the Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2022 and asked for stakeholder submissions on the Bill to be submitted by the end of October 2022. The Government has recently announced a further period for stakeholder consultation on the Bill ending on 1 May 2023. Game changing property tax changes in Victoria - The Victorian Treasurer announced the significant changes to land tax adjustments in all contracts of sale entered into on and from 1 January 2024, and an expansion of the vacant residential land tax regime. Get it right or pay the penalties – employers put on notice with changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 - In the aftermath of the 7-Eleven underpayments scandal, the Fair Work Act 2009 has been amended to better protect workers. Getting a Headstart on Trade Mark protection in Australia - Australia’s trade mark system is quite unique to other jurisdictions in that it allows an Applicant to opt to have their application pre-assessed before it is formally filed. In other words, it allows an Applicant to ‘test the waters’ on registrability and obtain a preliminary view from the Examiner within a few days. This pre-application is known as a Trade Mark Headstart Request. Good Governance Principles and Guidance for Not-for-Profits update - In January 2019, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) published a revised and developed version of its Good Governance Principles and Guidance for Not-for-Profits (the Principles). Gorton IVF Review released by Minister - The report on the 12 month Review of IVF legislation in Victoria conducted by Russell Kennedy Principal, Michael Gorton, was recently released by the Victorian Health Minister, Jenny Mikakos. Government approved providers of aged care subject to the new key personnel requirements - The Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response) Act 2022 (Cth) (Response Act) amends both the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth) (Aged Care Act) and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 (Cth) (ACQSC Act) in a number of respects including, relevantly, the new key personnel requirements for approved providers. Government Compulsory Acquisition - It's Not Selling, It's Retrieving... - Government Compulsory Acquisition - It's Not Selling, It's Retrieving... Government’s proposed changes to Australian Citizenship Act 2007 defeated - On 18 October 2017, the Federal Government’s proposed changes to the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 were defeated in the Senate when the deadline to vote on the associated Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017 expired and Labor, the Greens and the Nick Xenophon Team refused to support the changes. Greater Long Service Leave flexibility in Victoria by 1 November 2018 - The Long Service Leave Act 2018 (Vic) has now been passed by parliament, with the new Act set to come into effect by 1 November 2018. Greyhounds must be kept on leash outside the premises of its owner - The Moorabbin Magistrates’ Court (sitting online through WebEx) has interpreted the requirement in section 27(1) of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Vic) (Act) for a greyhound to be kept on a chain, cord or leash in circumstances where a greyhound is off leash in a designated leash free area. Guess who’s back: Federal Court reinstates employees pending the outcome of their general protections claim - In most general protections claims under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), dismissed employees will seek reinstatement and/or compensation. Ordinarily, the Court will only order reinstatement if the employee is successful at the final hearing. However, a recent Federal Court decision (CFMEU v Anglo Coal (Capcoal Management) Pty Ltd [2016] FCA 1582) provides a rare example of an employee achieving reinstatement at the start when making a general protections claim. Has your land tax skyrocketed? How to object to your land tax assessment - Land tax is a state-based tax levied on the land value component of each property you own. This value is traditionally based on the site value determined by council valuers. To determine your land tax liability, the State Revenue Office (SRO) will consider the properties you own and whether any exemptions apply to you as at 31 December each year. Have you considered the implications of the PPSR on your leases? - An update from our Property and Development team. Health Alert - Medical Colleges deal with bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment - Much has been made in recent years of the pervasive nature of bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment (BDSH) in the medical profession, and in particular in medical training. Health Alert - Payroll tax concerns for medical and healthcare providers - Payroll tax risk remains in the spotlight for private medical and healthcare providers following a series of recent cases. A common misconception is that payroll tax is only a tax on salaries and wages paid to employees. Health Alert - Reform of mental health systems: what does the future look like and how to get there? - A recent article in the International Journal for Quality in Healthcare (2024,36(1)), by Michael and David Greenfield (School of Population Health, UniNSW), highlights the challenges for improving the lives of those with poor mental health across Australia and the UK. Health Bulletin (10 December 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (12 April 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (12 November 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (12 October 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (14 June 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (15 April 2019) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (17 August 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (18 December 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (2 April 2019) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (20 February 2019) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (20 March 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (23 May 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (25 June 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (25 March 2019) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (26 July 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team Health Bulletin (26 November 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (30 August 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (30 October 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (31 May 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (5 April 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (5 July 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (5 March 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (7 August 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (8 May 2018) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 10 May 2022 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 11 September 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 12 March 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 12 May 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 12 October 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 13 August 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 13 August 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 13 December 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 13 March 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 13 May 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 14 April 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 14 June 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 14 November 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 14 September 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 15 December 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 16 April 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 16 July 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 16 June 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 18 November 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 18 October 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 19 July 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 2 December 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 2 May 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 21 June 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 21 October 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 22 August 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 22 September 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 24 November 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 24 September 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 25 February 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 25 July 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 25 May 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 25 September 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 26 February 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 26 March 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 26 October 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 27 August 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 27 June 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 28 April 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 28 August 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 28 July 2022 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 28 May 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 28 November 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 29 July 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 3 October 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 30 July 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 30 October 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 4 June 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 4 June 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 5 July 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 5 November 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 5 October 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 5 September 2022 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 6 September 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 7 August 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 7 July 2020 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 8 February 2021 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 9 July 2019 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin 9 June 2022 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin April 2023 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin December 2022 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin July 2023 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin June 2023 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin March 2023 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin May 2023 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin October 2022 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin September 2023 - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (11 February 2019) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health Bulletin (12 March 2019) - The latest insights from our Health Law team. Health sector most vulnerable to data breaches - In July 2018, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) released a report summarising about notifications received under the notifiable data breaches (NDB) scheme between 1 April-30 June 2018. Health Video Alert: AICG Patient Safety & Quality Care Symposium - Video Alert: AICG Patient Safety & Quality Care Symposium High Court judgment - Mondelez v AMWU - Last year, we issued an Alert about a Federal Court decision which considered the meaning of a ‘day’ for the purpose of personal/carer’s leave under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). The High Court has overturned that decision, confirming that a ‘day’ should be understood by reference to an employee’s ‘ordinary hours of work’. High Court re-establishes casual employment test - On 4 August 2021 the High Court of Australia delivered its long-anticipated judgment in WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato [2021] HCA 23, unanimously finding that casual employment is characterised by no firm advance commitment as to duration or hours of work, with particular emphasis on the contractual arrangements between the parties. High Court surprises in Commonwealth Bank v Barker - No implied mutual trust and confidence term in employment contracts. Home Care Assurance Reviews Coming your Way! - The Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 1) Bill 2021 (the Bill) was introduced to Parliament on 27 May. Importantly for home care providers, the Bill has introduced home care assurance reviews that will commence at the time the Bill is passed. Home Care Pricing Transition deadline fast approaching on 1 July 2020 - The 1 July 2020 for transitioning pre-1 July 2019 consumers to the new pricing rules is fast approaching. If you have not yet transitioned, you should act quickly to ensure you meet the legislated timeframes. Home care providers: Are you raising your fees soon? Read this first! - With the commencement of the Support at Home Program being deferred until 1 July 2025 many home care providers will be looking to adjust their prices for the 2024-25 financial year. Home care sector employers vulnerable to employees poaching clients - In the disability and home care sector, employees naturally develop strong rapport with the clients they care for. However, there is an increasing trend of employees leaving their employers to set up their own businesses or to work for other providers, often taking their previous employers’ clients with them. How a smoko before work led to a broken leg (and workers’ compensation) - A Queensland Court has held that a worker directed to arrive at work 10 minutes prior to her start time was covered by the WorkCover system during that period – despite the fact that she was not performing any duties. How does the Reform of the Marriage Act Benefit me? - How does the Reform of the Marriage Act Benefit me? How green is your project? – Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy set to commence in July 2024 - The Australian Government has released the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy (ESP Policy). It will government procurement to promote circular economy principles and deliver on Target 4 of the National Waste Policy Action Plan. How is Revenue NSW regulating discretionary trusts with “foreign person” beneficiaries? - Given that we are living in an increasingly smaller globalised world, concepts of citizenship, domicile and nationality are more fluid concepts as people freely relocate. How to appoint a ‘Restrictive Practices Nominee’ – the temporary hierarchy - A temporary decision-making hierarchy for the appointment of restrictive practices substitute decision-makers is in place until 1 December 2024. A new mechanism will be included in the new Aged Care Act in the future. How to get the most out of your Family Law Representation - Family Law Representation can be complicated enough without back and forth communication with your lawyer. You are entitled to high standards of legal advice and your solicitor must act in accordance with a range of legal duties to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. At the same time, a successful solicitor/client relationship requires cooperation on both sides. How to sell or merge your legal practice: a step-by-step guide - If you are thinking of selling or merging your legal practice, Rohan Harris Principal at Russell Kennedy Lawyers, has created a step by step guide to getting your legal practice ready. How will the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability affect independent schools? - On Friday 5 April 2019, the Prime Minister formally announced the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the Royal Commission). Identity cards for authorised persons under the Building Act - Sections 228 and 228A of the Building Act 1993 (Building Act) operate to allow a municipal building surveyor (MBS) to authorise a person to exercise any or all of the powers of the MBS under Division 2 of Part 13 of the Building Act. Where a person has been so authorised by the MBS, the MBS must issue identification to that person. Implementation of Australian foreign ownership register - The Register of Foreign Ownership of Australian Assets (Register), recently announced by the Australian Tax Office (ATO), commenced on 1 July 2023, as well as the introduction of new Online Services for foreign investors. Importance of a properly signed resident agreement - Importance of a properly signed resident agreement Important information for parents: COVID-19 Court List continues in 2021 and steps to take in the event of disagreement over vaccination - Vaccination continues to be a hotly contested topic in family law given the ongoing roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines. Despite the push for vaccinations in the community (when they are available), some parents will still face the situation where there is disagreement over vaccinating the child of the relationship and then must confront the age old question, “What do I do? IMPORTANT UPDATE: Director Identification Numbers - ASIC have recently released an important message from the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) regarding director identification numbers. The ABRS have confirmed that they are continuing to engage with directors who have so far failed to apply for a Director Identification Number (Director ID). Important Wills and Estate considerations with changing COVID-19 restrictions - The Victorian Government has this week announced that Metropolitan Melbourne will enter into stage 4 lockdown and rural Victoria will enter into stage 3 lockdown. In a rare injunction application, Court sends suspended employee back to work - A suspended Professor has been allowed to return to work, after claiming her University employer failed to comply with its enterprise agreement when standing her down with pay while investigating allegations of misconduct. In August the Full Bench of the Federal Court handed down a decision regarding the meaning of a ‘day’ for the purpose of personal/carer’s leave under the Fair Work Act 2009 - This decision is of particular significance to workplaces where employees work varying hours from day to day as part of a roster. Incapacity: Choose Who Makes Decisions for You - Estate Planning isn’t just about your Will, equally important are the documents in which you choose who makes decisions for you if you lost capacity during your lifetime. Incoming Changes to Independent Contractor Arrangements - All businesses who engage contractors should review and reconsider their current arrangements as a matter of priority following recent changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Fair Work Act) and the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) Practical Compliance Guideline PCG 2023/2 – Classifying workers as employee or independent contractors – ATO Compliance Approach (PCG), which was issued on 6 December 2023. Increased flexibility in Clerks Award in response to COVID-19 - The Fair Work Commission has varied the Clerks – Private Sector Award 2010 to allow greater flexibility to businesses to manage their workforce and preserve jobs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The amendments are in response to an urgent application by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ai Group, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and Australian Services Union. Industrial Manslaughter - substantial new penalties for work related deaths - The Victorian Government has introduced new, substantial penalties for work related deaths. The Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Manslaughter and Other Matters) Bill 2019 (Amendment) will amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) and is likely to take effect from July 2020. Insight on Insight – Binding Financial Agreements - If you tuned into the Insight program on Binding Financial Agreements that aired last week you might be left with the same lingering questions and concerns that I have. Insolvency & Restructuring Alert: COVID Update on Bankruptcy Notice and Statutory Demands - In March 2020 the Australian Government announced a series of amendments to the insolvency and bankruptcy laws as part of the wider economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Insolvency & Restructuring Alert: New Streamlined Insolvency Laws Proposed - Ahead of the October budget, the treasurer has announced proposals to overhaul insolvency laws in Australia, to introduce provisions to allow struggling businesses to continue trading whilst a restructuring plan is developed. Insolvency Alert: Company has overdue liabilities? Be aware of Director Penalty Notices - In April 2022, the ATO began writing to batches of company directors in relation to unpaid liabilities informing them about the risk of their personal liability for unpaid company tax debts. If not actioned, directors are at risk of receiving a Director Penalty Notice (DPN). Insolvency In The Construction Industry – Are You Covered? - Insolvency in the construction industry is a perennial concern for contractors who can be thinly capitalised and depend on reliable cash flow to meet obligations to staff and suppliers. Insolvency in the Construction Industry – COVID Relief Extended to 31 December - Insolvency in the construction industry is a perennial concern for contractors who can be thinly capitalised and depend on reliable cash flow to meet obligations to staff and suppliers. Temporary insolvency protections introduced in response to the COVID 19 pandemic have recently been extended to contractors until 31 December which highlights the risks for councils during these turbulent economic times. Insurance Unfair Contract Term | Federal Court finds Auto & General Insurance Company did not include an unfair contract term in insurance contracts - On 22 of March 2024, the Federal Court found that a contract term requiring customers to disclose any changes to their properties was not unfair. This was despite the term having detriment to the customer, and lacking transparency with regards to what should be reported. This is because the term was reasonably necessary to protect the insurer’s interests and caused no significant imbalance in the relationship. Intellectual Property - Protecting your brand - Stephanie Quatela, associate in the Corporate and Commercial team at Russell Kennedy Lawyers, provides and update on brand protection and intellectual property law. International Travel Post-Separation – Frequently asked questions - With Australia’s borders to the rest of the world back open and quarantine restrictions eased, many are once more looking to head overseas to catch-up on scheduled trips they missed out on or to release two years of cooped-up wanderlust. Introduction of the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act - Last month, the Victorian Government passed the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (the new Act) in response to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (Royal Commission). IP Australia's Natural Immunity to COVID-19 Trade Marks - IP Australia has taken a hard line stance against trade mark applications containing references to COVID-19. Side stepping the normally lengthy window for overcoming objections, IP Australia is issuing immediate Notices of Intention to Reject trade mark applications for these marks. The Notice of Intention to Reject signals that the Examiner considers there is no further action the filer can take that will convince the Examiner to withdraw the objection, and limits the filer to filing a final response or requesting a hearing within only two months. Ipso Facto Reforms - Are your contracts affected? - Ipso Facto Reforms - Are your contracts affected? Is “buyer beware” still relevant? Crucial changes to the Sale of Land Act 1962 (Vic) Update: New Regulations and Material Fact Guidelines - We recently published an article on a series of changes to the Sale of Land Act 1962 (Vic) which came into effect on 1 March 2020. Is bird’s nest parenting the answer for divorcing parents? - Bird’s nest parenting is one option for parenting during separation and divorce. This concept gives children figurative custody of the family home. Rather than the children going from one parent’s home to another, the children stay put in the family home. The parents on the other hand each move into their own residence and split their time between that residence and the family home. In some families, the parents share the second home and move in and out of the family home due to economic concerns. Is it a good idea to use Chat GPT to draft my Will? - The rapid advancement of technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI,) no doubt provides our modern society many benefits. Is there a right to be afforded procedural fairness in a compulsory acquisition? - Russell Kennedy acted on behalf of Melbourne Water and Yarra Valley Water (Authorities) in respect of the compulsory acquisition of land and easements in Beveridge, Victoria. IVF “add-ons” – are they worth the money?” - IVF treatments in Australia are already expensive with a cycle costing up to $10,000 per cycle. There is no guarantee that a cycle will result in a successful pregnancy and some couples may need several cycles before achieving a pregnancy. JobKeeper amendments to the Fair Work Act - The JobKeeper amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) will provide many employers with welcome flexibility given COVID-19’s unprecedented disruption to business. However, before relying on these new provisions, employers should ensure they follow relevant procedures to avoid facing penalties or successful challenges in the Fair Work Commission. Just how far can owners corporation rules go? The rule making powers of an owners corporation - The Owners Corporations Amendment (Short-stay Accommodation) Act 2018 (Vic) (Act) came into effect on 1 February 2019. The Act provides owners corporations with more discretion to self-regulate short-stay accommodation in their buildings and to better address the concerns of lot owners affected by any unruly short-stay occupants who enter into short stay accommodation arrangements of up to 6 nights. Just in - Aged Care COVID-19 Visitation Restrictions – Federal Government Announcement - Just in - Aged Care COVID-19 Visitation Restrictions – Federal Government Announcement. ‘Whatever we do, we’ve got to do for at least 6 months. 6 months.’ Key Personnel changes coming to Aged Care – what providers need to know - The Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 2) Bill 2021 (“Bill”) was meant to commence 1 March of this year. Although this start date is no longer applicable, approved providers must be ready for new key personnel rules which require a more rigorous and detailed assessment criteria for engaging those in key positions and require the provider to report any changes to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission within 14 days. Key Personnel suitability requirements in Aged Care have changed – what providers need to know - As providers would now be aware. the Aged Care and Other Legislation (Royal Commission Response) Bill 2022 (the Royal Commission Response Bill 2022) passed on 2 August 2022. Keypads in aged care homes and the rules on restraints: FAQs - Since the commencement of the new restraint provisions in July last year, there has been an increased focus on the issue of restraints. A particularly vexing issue for the industry is what to do about keypads on the entrances and exits to/from aged care facilities, or areas within them (eg. secure dementia units). With most of the industry using coded keypads to enter and exit, we are receiving a number of questions on this issue. Labour hire licensing scheme update - From 30 October 2019, heavy penalties will apply to labour hire providers who operate without a licence and to businesses that use unlicensed labour hire providers in Victoria. Land Tax Changes for Charitable Organisations - The State Revenue Office (SRO) has issued a new ruling, LTA-009 (Ruling), in relation to the land tax exemptions available to charitable organisations. The Ruling applies to the 2022 land tax year onward and reflects the recent amendments to Section 74 of the Land Tax Act 2005 (Vic) (the Act) introduced by the Windfall Gains Tax and State Taxation and Other Acts Further Amendment Bill 2021 (Amendments). Landlords beware - essential safety measures are your responsibility - Landlords and tenants should review the repair and maintenance provisions and outgoings provisions of leases in light of a very significant advisory opinion given by the President of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Justice Garde, on Friday, 1 May 2015. Large businesses with consolidated revenue of over $100m must consider Modern Slavery risks - The Modern Slavery Bill 2018 (Cth) (the Bill), which is currently before the Senate and is expected to become law, introduces new obligations for large businesses operating in or from Australia with a consolidated revenue of over $100 million AUD to provide annual reports on the actions they have taken to address the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. Latest decision by the Fair Work Commission signals further wage increases for workers in the aged care sector - The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission has published its latest decision on the minimum rates of pay for aged care workers, signalling the increase of the minimum rates of indirect care workers and the further increase of the minimum rates of direct care workers. Latest Moves in Residential Building Works in NSW: A Higher standard of Duty of Care - The Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (Act) has been in operation since 2020 creating a statutory duty of care on designers, builders, engineers and project managers to conduct construction work with reasonable care to avoid economic loss caused by defects. Law Reform – Recycling in Victoria - New laws have been introduced for debate before the Victorian Parliament. Law reform for charities and not-for-profit organisations - Over the last six months a number of proposals have been considered by the Australian Government, and a number of announcements have been made in relation to their policy directions. Leasing issues for the Health Sector - Many of our clients in the health and disability sector operate through leased premises, and in some fortunate cases may own property that they lease to others. Through the “COVID years” there have been many challenges and some financial stress on tenants. Governments introduced rent relief schemes which, in Victoria and New South Wales, have recently been extended. Leasing land to an energy company…is it worth it? - With climate change and fossil fuel costs on the rise, Australia’s focus on renewable energy is increasing. Investing in solar and wind farm technology is becoming more enticing. It’s tempting to jump on board with a developer and have a solar or wind farm developed on your property. The leases are long, securing income for your family for years to come, and you’re contributing to a more sustainable future for our nation. Leasing market reviews - Trips, traps and tips. In most long term leases a mechanism is inserted to increase the rent over time, ostensibly to combat increases in the cost of owning the Premises. Legal Issues for Telehealth Services - The rapid growth in telehealth services by practitioners and health services, necessitated by the pandemic, raises issues of legal risk. Legal Practice Management – Is it time to sell or merge? - Rohan Harris has contributed a practice management column for the Law Institute Journal (LIJ) June edition. Lessons to be learned from Essendon Football Club’s revolving door - The recent controversy surrounding the appointment of Andrew Thorburn as the Chief Executive Officer of Essendon Football Club highlights some of the difficulties employers may face in recruitment. Liability and Climate Change Litigation: The Landmark decision of Sharma v Minister for the Environment - On 27 May 2021, a landmark decision was handed down by the Federal Court of Australia with significant implications for the liability landscape in the context of climate change. Living with COVID-19 - Guidelines for retirement village operators - The State Government has worked with the retirement living industry to prepare a set of guidelines to assist retirement living operators in managing the challenges associated with operating a village during the current lockdown. Local Government Act 2020 – a generational reform? - This Alert provides an overview of the general intent of the new legislation and how it will be implemented. Further Alerts will follow on the key parts of the legislation. Local Government Caretaker Period Reminder - We all know that Council elections are to be held on 24 October 2020, and that the Caretaker Period is almost upon us, commencing 22 September 2020. Here are some last minute reminders for Councils. Long Service Benefits Portability Regulations 2020 - As of 1 October 2020, aged care home care providers will be required to register for the Victorian Portable Long Service Scheme. Long Service Benefits Portability Scheme – new regulations published - The Long Service Benefits Portability Regulations 2019 have been published, just in time for commencement of the Long Service Portability Scheme on Monday, 1 July 2019. Long Service Benefits Portability Scheme - What community service employers need to know - The Long Service Benefits Portability Bill 2018, if it is passed, will have significant implications for the long service entitlements of Victorian employees in a range of industries, including community services. Long service leave amendments in Victoria to target flexibility - The Victorian Government has introduced a Bill to amend the Long Service Leave Act 1992 (Vic), improving flexibility for employees and addressing some of the Act’s historical quirks. Look out for GST errors in land contracts - Property developers should pay careful attention to the treatment of GST in contracts for the sale of land. Recently, two developers in dispute incurred significant costs and delays simply over missing the word “Plus” in a contract of sale. Major changes to Australia’s workplace relations laws – what employers need to know about the changes to the Fair Work Act - The Federal Government’s Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 passed parliament on 2 December 2022, after negotiations in the Senate. Major restructurings in the agriculture industry - In late 2017, the agribusiness sector was uncertain as to the likely impact(s) that the three agribusiness mega mergers undergoing review at that time (ChemChina-Syngenta, Bayer-Monsanto and Dow-DuPont) would have. Managing leave in residential aged care during Victoria’s lockdown - With Victoria’s COVID-19 cases on a slow decline, Stay at Home Directions are said to be in place for at least another three weeks. Managing reputation and online reviews in an era of fake news, keyboard warriors and troll farms - Consumer reviews are big business. We are operating in a world where a lone keyboard warrior can reach a global audience, warehouses of people (usually in other countries) known as ‘troll farms’ can mass generate fake content, and consumer activism is on the increase. Mandatory Code of Conduct for Commercial Leases during COVID-19 - On 7 April 2020, the National Cabinet’s mandatory Code of Conduct for commercial tenancies was released (Code). Mandatory vaccination directions for a broad range of Victorian workers released overnight - On Friday last week the Premier announced that mandatory vaccination requirements would be introduced for all “authorised workers” across Victoria from 15 October 2021, supplementing the requirements which are already in place for the residential aged care, construction, health care, education and childcare sectors. Mandatory Vaccination Provisions for Healthcare Workers in Victoria - COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccinations Directions (No 4) introduces mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers in Victoria to limit the spread of COVID-19. Failure to comply with the directions may result in penalties. Marsh v Baxter - The High Court has dismissed Stephen and Susan Marsh’s application for leave to appeal a decision from The Court of Appeal (WA). Three important issues/outcomes have emerged from this case. Medical Board of Australia issues proposed registration standard for specialist registration of overseas trained doctors - Following discussion amongst COAG (Australian and State and Territory Governments) the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) has now issued proposed new registration standards for specialist overseas doctors seeking registration in Australia. Consultation documents had been issued, with feedback required in early July 2024. Medical certificates – when can an employer question them? - Our Employment team review medical certificates and when an employer can question them. Medical colleges unite to defend Medevac legislation - In the face of a potential repeal of Medevac legislation through the Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019, eleven of Australia’s peak medical bodies have united to call for the Medevac legislation and Independent Health Advice Panel to be maintained by the federal parliament. Mental Health and Wellbeing Act: Update and Engagement Paper Summary - The Victorian Department of Health (Department) last month released an Update and Engagement Paper (Engagement Paper) addressing the Final Report (Report) of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (Royal Commission) delivered on 2 March 2021. Minimum wage to increase from 1 July 2022 - As part of its annual review of the National Minimum Wage, the Fair Work Commission has announced that the National Minimum Wage will be increased by 5.2%. As a result, the National Minimum Wage will be $812.60 per week or $21.38 per hour for a 38 hour week. Mitochondrial Donation Law Reform (Maeve’s Law) Bill 2021 - The Mitochondrial Donation Law Reform (Maeve’s Law) Bill 2021 (the Bill) was passed by the Senate on 30 March 2022. More changes to IVF Legislation from the Gorton Review - The Victorian Government has introduced new amending legislation into Parliament in September 2021 to implement further recommendations of the Review of Assisted Reproductive Treatment legislation in Victoria arising from the Review conducted by Russell Kennedy Principal, Michael Gorton AM. More than six months of the Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 (Vic) – what issues are aged care providers seeing? - It has been over six months since the Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 (Vic) (Act) commenced. With the Royal Commission into Aged Care set to consider end of life care, it’s more important than ever that aged care providers ensure their policies are up to date and compliant with the changes. Movies in Residential Aged Care and Retirement Villages – Do I need a licence to screen a film for residents? - Copyright is not usually high on the list of concerns for retirement village operators and providers of residential aged care. My Health Record Opt-Out Dates Announced by the Australian Government - Australians who do not want their medical records stored on a national electronic database can opt-out of the scheme from July 16 to October 15 this year. My parents want to help me get a foot in the door in the property market… - Did you know – in 1994 the average median house price in Sydney was $192, 375? National Health Practitioner Regulation Scheme must prioritise protection of the public - The National Regulatory Scheme for health practitioners, under which complaints may be made against health practitioners, has been in place for almost 10 years. One of the principles of the scheme was that AHPRA (the Regulator) and National Boards for each of the 15 regulated health professions, undertake their work on the basis that they will apply restrictions or impose sanctions only to the extent necessary to ensure safe health practice and quality services. Navigating AI's Role in Healthcare: Legal Implications - Much has been written on the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into many aspects of our lives, our work and our leisure. Given that so much in medicine is based on the “precautionary principle”, we should look forward to exploring the great advances that AI may present in the health sector, but also be alert and wary, in moving too fast before appropriate testing and confirmation has occurred. As part of recognising that risk, there is an inherent legal risk in a swift adoption of AI without appropriate testing, confirmation and recognition of clear benefits NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission releases report on supported accommodation - The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) recently undertook an inquiry into aspects of supported accommodation, examining over 7000 reportable incidents and complaints made about supported accommodation services from July 2018 to September 2022. NDIS Service Agreement: Not worth the paper they're written on? - Russell Kennedy has become aware that some NDIS providers believe they are not required to enter into written Service Agreements with participants and are commencing supports without a written agreement. NDIS Worker Screening Scheme - Since 1 February 2021 all registered NDIS providers are required to comply with the NDIS Worker Screening Scheme (Scheme), as part of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework. Employers must ensure that any workers they engage, who are working in ‘risk-assessed’ roles, obtain an acceptable NDIS Worker Screening Check (Check), which replaces the various screening arrangements currently operating in the disability sector in each state and territory. Negotiating an enterprise agreement? The importance of getting the process right - Negotiating an enterprise agreement? The importance of getting the process right New Australian Consumer Law (ACL) laws released for comment - Direct selling businesses need to have a working knowledge and good risk management in place for ACL compliance. New Directions for Aged Care Visits in Victoria - Last Friday 29 October, Victoria moved to Phase C of the National Plan: the Vaccination Consolidation Phase. The focus of Phase C is to minimise serious illness, hospitalisations and fatalities as a result of COVID-19 with baseline restrictions. As part of the shift to baseline restrictions, restrictions on visitation in Victorian residential aged care facilities have relaxed. New disclosure obligations for informants in criminal proceedings - New disclosure obligations for informants in criminal proceedings commence on 1 October 2022. New Home Care Manual provides further clarification of HCP exclusions - Our Russell Kennedy team are finding many of our home care provider clients are facing challenges in understanding the limits of how they can use package funds. The use of package funds has become an increasing focus for the regulators, and providers who allow clients to use their home care funds for uses outside the Aged Care Act face compliance action and the risk of having to refund their clients’ packages, and, in more serious cases, the possibility of fraud charges. New Laws for Data Breach Reporting - Our checklist to help you prepare - As we previously wrote, on and from 22 February 2018, organisations regulated by the Privacy Act 1988 will be required to notify any individuals likely to be at risk of “serious harm” as a result of a data breach, together with the Privacy Commissioner. New legislation targeting the use of cryptocurrency and digital assets in organised crime introduced in Parliament - The growing use of cryptocurrency and digital assets in the commission of organised crime has given rise to the need for a responsive change in policing and law enforcement legislation. New mandatory wording for Notices of Employee Representational Rights: Get the wording right, or start again - Employers must provide employees who will be covered by a proposed enterprise agreement with a Notice of Employee Representational Rights when commencing the enterprise bargaining process. Notices must be in the precise form set out in the Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth). New Model Contract Clauses for Recycling Industry – Implications for Local Government - Recycling Industry Support for Councils – Guidance Notes and Model Contract Clauses New Model Shutdown Period Clause in 78 Modern Awards - On 1 May 2023, 78 modern awards were varied to insert a new model clause dealing with temporary shutdown periods. The new clauses remove the ability of an employer to direct an employee to take unpaid leave during a shutdown period. New modern awards for local government in Victoria - New modern awards for local government in Victoria New Obligation for Hospitals - Consultation Paper - The Victorian Government is considering legislative reforms arising from the Duckett Review. One of the recommendations was the introduction of a Statutory Duty of Candour for Victoria. New Owners Corporation Requirements Reminder: 1 December 2021 Start Date - Following Royal Assent to the Owners Corporations and Other Acts Amendment Act 2021 (Vic) in February 2021, amendments to the Owners Corporations Act 2006 (Vic) (OC Act) will take effect on 1 December 2021. New Owners Corporations Regulations 2018 - Change is on the horizon - The existing Owners Corporations Regulations 2007 (Vic) will be replaced by the Owners Corporations Regulations 2018 (Vic) (“2018 Regulations”) with effect from 2 December 2018. Owners Corporation managers and operators of strata titled retirement villages need to be aware of the key changes. More particularly: New paid family and domestic violence leave – key information for employers - From next year, the Fair Work Act (FWA) will provide for paid family and domestic violence leave. The changes mean that all employees (including part-time and casual employees) will be entitled to 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave each year. New powers and responsibilities under the Code of Conduct for Aged Care - How do they affect providers? - The introduction of the new Code of Conduct for Aged Care (Code) in December 2022 has seen significant changes to the regulation of aged care providers and their governing persons; and aged care workers. New powers for the Wage Inspectorate Victoria - As of 1 July 2021, Wage Inspectorate Victoria now has powers to investigate and prosecute wage theft under the Wage Theft Act 2020 (Vic), in addition to its existing role enforcing Victorian laws relating to long service leave, child employment and contractors in the transport and forestry industries. New Privacy Legislation in 2024 - Government responds to proposed reforms to Australia’s privacy laws - The Australian Government has published its response to the Attorney-General’s Privacy Act Review Report. New reforms in Health Practitioner Regulation aimed at strengthening public protection - Fifteen new reforms, which are outlined in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2022, came into effect on 15 May 2023 and aim to strengthen public protection while ensuring fairness for practitioners. New regulatory response to allegations of unprofessional conduct in Cosmetic Surgery - In response to recent media reports of serious unprofessional conduct in cosmetic surgery, the health practitioner regulator and Health Ministers have announced significant changes. New report into aged care a sign of things to come - The regulation of aged care in Australia is set to undergo a major review, as the Royal Commission into Aged Care looks at how to evolve towards a safer, more consumer-driven system that delivers high quality outcomes. New reporting for charities - Charities must report advocacy/political expenditure to the Australian Electoral Commission. Read about the new thresholds and deadlines below. New requirements for Directors – Director Identification Numbers - The Commonwealth Parliament recently passed legislation for a new register of directors of Australian companies. Under the Commonwealth Registers Act 2020, directors will be required to register and be issued with their own unique Director Identification Number (DIN). New Residential Property Sales – GST Withholding Regime - As we have previously highlighted, in the 2017 budget, the Federal government introduced a new regime to require home buyers of new properties to withhold 1/11th of the sale price and to remit it to the ATO as the developer’s GST. New Restrictive Practices requirements for Victorian Aged Care Providers - The Victorian Parliament has passed the Aged Care Restrictive Practices (Substitute Decisionmaker) Act 2024 (Vic) (Act) which changes the restrictive practices landscape for Victorian providers. New retirement village regulations commenced over the weekend in Victoria - The Retirement Villages (Records and Notices) Regulations 2015 (Victoria) (“2015 Regulations”) commenced on Saturday 12 December 2015. New Retirement Villages Regulations released in South Australia - The Retirement Villages Act 2016 (SA) was introduced in November 2016 as the first part of the reform of retirement village laws in South Australia. The final piece of that reform, the Retirement Villages Regulations 2017, were released on 8 August 2017. The new Regulations and the new Act will commence from 1 January 2018. New Rules for Designers and Builders in NSW - The highly anticipated Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2021 (Regulation) have been released and have taken effect from 1 July 2021. New rules for resigning directors come into force - The definition of “consumer” under the Australian Consumer Law is changing and it could well impact you. New Victorian Medical Treatment Laws - Health practitioners, hospitals, aged care and other health facilities will be affected by new medical treatment laws. New Victorian Scheme for disability workers - The Disability Worker Regulation Scheme was established by the Disability Service Safeguards Act 2018 (Vic) (Act), to regulate all disability workers in Victoria, irrespective of the service funding source, from 1 July 2020. New Waste to Energy regulations help define scheme - A key piece of the Victorian government’s Waste to Energy Scheme (Scheme) is now in place under the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 (Vic) (Circular Economy Act) which will give project proponents for thermal waste to energy projects greater confidence to manage existing projects and develop new ones. New Whistleblower laws commence on 1 July 2019 - The long awaited reforms to Australian whistleblower laws commence on 1 July 2019. The new legislation will apply to all ‘companies’ (including any Not-For-Profits set up as a company, i.e. registered as public companies limited by guarantee). In addition, all ‘public’ and ‘large proprietary’ companies must have a complying whistleblower policy in place from 1 January 2020. New Writing Planning Permits Guide - The guide suggests that practitioners adopt a simple, “what”, “when” and “how approach” when drafting permit conditions and helpfully provides an appendix with 53 pages of example permit conditions. NEWS: White Paper in Response to Taskforce Recommendation 11: Additional Services - Russell Kennedy is proud to partner with Pride Aged Living on the white paper on Recommendation 11 of the Aged Care Taskforce. No jab, no job? Not at this stage for COVID-19 vaccinations - The rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations in Australia has increased debate about whether employers can require workers to have COVID-19 vaccinations. Not wearing a mask correctly in aged care: serious misconduct? - Picture this: a residential aged care facility worker is caught by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission not wearing their mask properly, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. The employee apologises, they have been employed for 6 years and do not have a record of disciplinary action. Not-for-profit Video Alert: Revitalising Boards through Remuneration, Rotations and Succession Planning - Earlier this year, Russell Kennedy Principal Jonathan Teh presented at the 2021 Better Boards Conference. His presentation covered a range of areas around how to revitalise Boards through remuneration, rotations and succession planning. Not-for-profit Video Alert: Spring Cleaning (Kondo-ing) Your Organisation's Governance - Inspired by Marie Kondo and her KonMari Method of tidying in a way that sparks joy, Russell Kennedy developed a framework to tidy your organisation’s governance. Jonathan Teh & Jaqueline Wilson discuss the six rules to tidy your organisation’s governance. Not-for-profit Video Alert: Understanding your NFPs Constitution & Rules (Cracking the Constitution Code) - Earlier this year, Russell Kennedy Principal Jonathan Teh and Lawyer Jamila Shirzad teamed up to deliver an engaging presentation at a Better Boards Webinar. They tackled the important topic of NFPs understanding their constitutions and rules. Now is the time to review your discretionary trusts - Practical approach no more! Changes are afoot in relation to the Victorian State Revenue Office’s (“SRO”) treatment of discretionary trusts. NSW Bill to Abolish Paper Titles - On 24 March 2021 the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Bill 2021 (the Bill) passed through the Legislative Assembly. NSW construction shutdown – what you need to know - Due to the increasing rates of COVID-19 cases infectious in the community, the New South Wales (NSW) Government has announced the urgent shutdown of all construction sites across the Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour areas (Shut Down Area) from Monday 19 July 2021 to at least 30 July 2021 (Shut Down Period). NSW Edition | COVID-19 vaccine– who decides if you get vaccinated when you don’t have capacity to decide yourself? - With the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination program now underway in Australia, there has been much debate amongst people as to whether or not they intend to get vaccinated. But what happens if you don’t have capacity to make that decision, and instead it has to be made on your behalf? Who can decide for you? NSW Electronic Witnessing Provisions Extended - On 18 September 2020, the Stronger Communities Legislation Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020 came into effect and most notably, extended the operation of the NSW electronic witnessing regulations brought in to combat restrictions imposed by COVID-19 to 26 March 2021. NSW Regulation and the National Code of Conduct for Commercial Leases during COVID-19 - On 7 April 2020, the National Cabinet’s mandatory Code of Conduct for commercial tenancies was released (Code). NSW Retirement Village Operators – New Buyback Rule, cap on Recurrent Charges and Aged Care Rule - The long awaited NSW Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2020 (Bill) has received Royal Assent. The Bill will amend the NSW Retirement Villages Act 1999 (RV Act) by introducing a timeframe for paying a resident’s exit entitlement, a cap on the period during which recurrent charges are payable by an outgoing resident after they permanently leave the village and an aged care rule. NSW Retirement Village Operators: COVID-19 - Temporary Compliance Relief - The NSW Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, Kevin Anderson, recently made a number of Ministerial Orders (6) to provide temporary exemptions for non-compliance with certain provisions of the Retirement Villages Act 1999 (“RV Act”) and the Retirement Villages Regulation 2017 (“RV Regulation”) in circumstances where the operator is acting in accordance with an Order issued under the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW) (“Public Health Order”). NSW Retirement Villages – Proposed reforms to exit entitlement timeframe and recurrent charges cap - The NSW Government has released its discussion paper on proposed reforms to exit entitlements and a cap on recurrent charges in line with its election commitment to do so. Number of notified data breaches holds steady in September 2018 - We recently highlighted that the health sector appeared to be the most vulnerable to data breaches. On 30 October 2018, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) released statistics on data breaches notified to the OAIC during the September quarter. Offensive odour and annual performance statements - This Alert is relevant to licence holders declaring Annual Performance Statements. Off-the-plan development risks – Significant win for purchasers in recent Victorian Supreme Court case - Developers beware: A change less than 5% of the overall area of a lot isn’t a material change, right? On the Balance of Probabilities - Russell Kennedy Lawyers recently achieved a successful outcome in the District Court of NSW case of TMA Australia Pty Limited v 100% Bottling Company [2023] NSWDC 231. Only doctors with advanced surgical training to use the title “Surgeon” - Recently, the word “surgeon” has been put under the operating light. Currently, all registered medical practitioners in Australia can use the title “surgeon”. Only one month to go – Have you completed your annual Key Personnel Suitability Matters check? - Approved providers have until 1 December this year to complete their first annual suitability check for key personnel. Opting Out of the New Definition of Employee - In late August 2024, the Federal Government published the Fair Work Amendment (Contractor High Income Threshold) Regulations 2024 (Cth) (Regulations) which prescribes the contractor high income threshold as $175,000 per annum for the year commencing on 1 July 2024. Outcome of Bacchus Marsh / Djerriwarrh Health Service Inquiry - The review of maternity deaths at the Bacchus Marsh / Djerrwarrh Health Service identifies many failings in management and clinical governance. It prompted a major reform of clinical governance for health services in Victoria and led to the creation of Safer Care Victoria. Outsourcing and Local Government: Fair Work Commission decision may open up new options - Last week, the Fair Work Commission ordered that a council’s enterprise agreement would not apply to former council employees who changed jobs due to an outsourcing arrangement. Owners Corporations must make reasonable adjustments for persons with a disability – but who should pay? - The Supreme Court of Victoria has found that Owners Corporations provide ‘services’ to Owners and Occupiers within the meaning of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010. This means they cannot discriminate in the provision of these services, and must make reasonable adjustments for persons with a disability. Pandemic leave and changes to annual leave in Modern Awards - The Fair Work Commission has amended 99 modern awards to include special provisions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. If these awards apply to an employee, they will now be entitled to unpaid pandemic leave and double annual leave at half pay. These amendments have effect from 8 April until 30 June 2020, unless otherwise extended. Parenting: Can a non-parent seek parenting orders? - While most people understand the meaning of the word “parent” in its basic form, it is less clear how the Court treats other individuals in the family law system who might also wish to seek parenting orders. Parliament set to follow Fair Work Commission’s casual conversion lead - The Federal Government is proposing to amend the Fair Work Act 2009 to ensure that all casual employees have a right to request to convert to full-time or part-time employment. Payment Terms to be Disclosed - New laws have now been passed by both houses of the Federal Government in the form of the Payment Times Reporting Act 2020 (Cth)(Act). The Act is slated for commencement on 1 January 2021. Penalty shootout: Fair Work Commission decides to change penalty rates - Yesterday the Fair Work Commission handed down a decision to reduce Sunday, public holiday and late night/early morning penalty rates in various modern awards. Some of these changes will be effective from late March this year. Planning Enforcement: Owners of land fined for tree being poisoned on their land - Russell Kennedy Lawyers were recently engaged by Monash City Council to prosecute a breach of the Monash Planning Scheme (Planning Scheme). The breach of the Planning Scheme was on the basis that land in Glen Waverley (Land) was developed by way of poisoning a tree. Planning for Tomorrow - Introduction to Wills & Estate Planning - In a 4-part video series, Senior Associate, Taryn Ellerington, introduces Wills & Estate Planning and what you can expect in your initial Estate Planning consultation Police checks to be removed for IVF patients - The Victorian Government has introduced legislation into Parliament to remove the requirement for police checks and child protection order checks to be deleted as a pre-requisite for Victorians to undertaken IVF procedures. Poor performance or misconduct? An important distinction - When will an employee’s poor performance constitute misconduct? The Fair Work Commission has considered this question in the recent unfair dismissal decision of Steven Zirilli v StarTrack Express Pty Limited [2019] FWC 3557. Potential disaster with an historic building - Owners Corporation fined $350,000 for failing to comply with emergency orders - Russell Kennedy Lawyers was engaged by Greater Geelong City Council (Council) to prosecute breaches of the Building Act 1993 (Vic) (Act). Prepare for Aged Care Governance Reform: “Statement of Compliance” ahead - The Aged Care Royal Commission (ACRC) found significant failures in approved providers’ governance systems, including a lack of oversight from the governing body and as a result a suite of new requirements have been rolled out targeting these issues. The legislative reforms are aimed at improving transparency and accountability as well as ensuring that approved providers focus on the best interests of their care recipients. Prisoner rights in a pandemic: Victorian Supreme Court decision in Rowson v Department of Justice [2020] VSC 236 - Human rights advocates and pro bono lawyers should pay close attention to the recent Victorian Supreme Court decision in Rowson v Department of Justice [2020] VSC 236. Privacy law under the spotlight – release of the Privacy Act Review Report - An extensive consultation and review process has culminated in the release of the Attorney-General’s Privacy Act Review Report on 16 February 2023. The Report proposes significant reforms to Australian privacy law, including limiting the small business exemption, and requiring Privacy Impact Assessment for high privacy risk activities. Interested parties have until 31 March 2023 to submit feedback. Pro Bono Alert: COP26 and the Glasgow Climate Pact - The COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow was a crucial moment for climate action. Pro Bono Alert: Landmark Sharma ruling overturned on appeal - The landmark decision of Sharma was overturned earlier this week by the Full Federal Court of Australia (Court). Probate Online in Victoria - As of 1 July 2020, Probate applications in Victoria must be submitted online through RedCrest (a portal used to file court documents with the Victorian Supreme Court). Progress on Victorian Mental Health Royal Commission Recommendation - It is just over 12 months since the final Report of the Mental Health Royal Commission was released. The ambitious program of work by the Victorian government, as recommended by the Royal Commission, is underway – noting that the Royal Commission has set out a 10 year plan. Project Intervene: New protections against defects for residential work in NSW - In response to reports of serious defects in recently completed and occupied residential apartment buildings, the NSW Building Commissioner launched a new initiative in November 2022 known as “Project Intervene” (Project). Property & Development Alert | A new landscape for duty and taxes for commercial and industrial properties - The Victorian Government has announced significant reforms to commercial property taxes. Stamp duty will be progressively abolished and replaced with a new annual “commercial and industrial property tax” (CIPT). The new tax scheme will apply to commercial and industrial properties in Victoria. The Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Reform Act 2024 (Proposed Act) is currently before parliament and once passed is expected to apply to transactions from 1 July 2024. Property Alert – Recent amendments to conveyancing legislation (Conveyancing Act) in NSW - The Conveyancing Legislation Amendment Act 2018 (NSW), assented to on 22 November 2018, introduces a number of changes to the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW) (Conveyancing Act) and the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW) that will affect property transactions in NSW. Proposed amendments to Health Practitioner National Law - New proposals for amendment of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law have been introduced into the Queensland Parliament. If passed in Queensland, it effectively amends the similar legislation applicable in other jurisdictions across Australia. Proposed Changes to Financial Reporting Thresholds For Registered Charities - Treasury is consulting on changing financial reporting thresholds for charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). Proposed Changes To Governance Standards for Registered Charities - Charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) are generally required to comply with the governance standards set out in the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Regulation 2013 (Current Regulations). Proposed New Merger Review Regime: Treasury Releases Consultation Paper - Further to our earlier update on 22 April 2024, the Treasury has now released its Consultation Paper on Merger Notification Thresholds in Australia. The paper discusses proposed changes to Australia’s current approach to review of merger transactions, which are intended to take effect from 1 January 2026. Protecting small business from unfair contracts – ACCC issues first proceeding under the new unfair contracts regime - The ACCC has commenced its first Federal Court case under the November 2016 Australian Consumer Law unfair contracts provisions relating to small businesses. Protecting Tomorrow: Choosing Testamentary Guardians for Your Children - As Mother’s Day is upon us, we understand the efforts and care it takes to provide for children.However, have you considered what would happen to your children if you weren’t around? Purchasing Property for Others - You may fall foul of the foreign investment framework - Purchasing Property for Others - You may fall foul of the foreign investment framework Queensland Parliament passes new Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) Legislation - In September 2024 the Queensland Parliament passed new legislation to regulate IVF services in Queensland and to create a new donor conception register to enable donor conceived persons to access information about their genetic origins, including where that includes ART/IVF. Recap on Aged Care Reform: we are only halfway there! - As the aged care industry anticipates the commencement of the Aged Care Act 2024, many aged care providers are concerned about how to implement changes in their organisation in preparation for the new scheme. Recent amendments to conveyancing legislation in NSW - The Conveyancing Legislation Amendment Act 2018 (NSW), assented to on 22 November 2018, introduces a number of changes to the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW) (Conveyancing Act) and the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW) that will affect property transactions in NSW. Recent amendments to the Child Support (Assessment) Act are retrospective - On 1 July 2018, amendments to the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 were made via the enactment of the Family Assistance and Child Support Legislation Amendment (Protecting Children) Act 2018. Among those were a series of changes affecting Binding Child Support Agreements. Recent Experience - COVID-19 Rent Relief Mediation - Russell Kennedy recently represented a commercial landlord in relating to a claim for rent relief. Here we share some of the lessons learned during the process. Recycling Victoria: A new regulatory framework for the circular economy - Recycling Victoria: A new regulatory framework for the circular economy Recycling Victoria: Feedback Required for the Draft Strategic Procurement Framework - Recycling Victoria has released a consultation draft for its Strategic Procurement Framework. Recycling Victoria is inviting feedback on the Strategic Procurement Framework consultation draft until 20 September 2024 via the government’s website at The final Strategic Procurement Frameworks is due to be published in late 2024 and will provide a framework for Recycling Victoria’s participation in future procurement activities. Recycling Victoria: New proposed regulations and service standard will impact provision of waste services - The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) is seeking feedback on its Proposed Household Waste and Recycling Service Standard 2024 (Proposed Standard) and Proposed Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) (Mandatory Service Provision and Other Matters) Regulations 2024 (Proposed Regulations). Redundancy consultation processes: how much and when? - Two recent decisions highlight the importance of complying with redundancy consultation requirements. Reflections on 2024 and what’s ahead for 2025 - As we ease into the New Year, we reflect on key employment law trends and learnings from 2024, and consider what lies ahead in 2025 – the Year of the Wood Snake. Reform of the Victorian Retirement Villages Act – Options Paper released - The Minister for Consumer Affairs Gaming and Liquor Regulation released the Options Paper on 15 March 2021 in relation to the proposed reforms to the Victorian Retirement Villages Act 1986 (Act). Reform of Victoria's Environment Legislation - Planning & Environment Alert - Reform of Victoria's Environment Legislation Reform of Victoria's Subordinate Environment Legislation - Planning & Environment Alert - Reform of Victoria's Subordinate Environment Legislation Reforming Australia’s foreign investment review framework - The Australian Government has announced proposed changes to Australia’s foreign investment review framework to address existing and emerging national security risks arising from foreign ownership. The Government will shortly release exposure draft legislation for consultation prior to its introduction into Parliament. The reforms are expected to become effective on 1 January 2021. Reforms to strengthen protections against the use of restraints in aged care to align with protections in disability - The Federal Government has just released the Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 1) Bill 2021 which is due to commence on 1 July 2021. Reintroduced Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme to benefit Victorian tenants in 2021 - On 28 July 2021, the Victorian Government announced the re-introduction of the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme. Release of Russell Kennedy’s Easy English Guide to the Home Care Agreement and updates to our Home Care and Resident Agreements - Russell Kennedy has recently finalised an Easy English Guide to our Home Care (HCP) Client Agreement. The Guide is an illustrated document aimed to help consumers understand and complete their Client Agreements. Reminder to Victorian Employers: Impending deadline to destroy COVID-19 vaccination information - During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Victorian Government made a number of orders to protect public health, including mandatory vaccination for specified workers. Following the revocation of a number of those orders, specific regulations were introduced under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) to allow employers to continue to collect Covid-19 vaccination information in order to control risks to health and safety at their workplace. Those regulations were revoked as of 12 July 2023, which means that employers now have until 11 August 2023 to destroy that information, unless they have another legal basis to retain it. Renewable Energy Targets for Victoria Enshrined into Law - Victoria is the first State to enshrine its renewable energy targets into legislation, and the passing of the Renewable Energy (Jobs and Investment) Act 2017 (Vic) will provide greater investment certainty for the renewable energy industry in Victoria. Residential Aged Care - Life after the Mandatory Vaccination Deadline of 17 September 2021 - As all providers are now well aware, the Federal Government determined that from 17 September 2021, a person must not work in a residential aged care facility if they have not at least received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination. Responding to an unprecedented pandemic: unprecedented restraints? - The Commonwealth and State governments are taking unprecedented actions to protect the public from the spread of COVID-19, and the potential side effects of an overwhelmed health service if the virus is allowed to spread unchecked. Responding to the Royal Commission’s Invitation: top tips - The first round of responses to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety were submitted on 7 January 2019. Restaurant cops hefty fine for serving dumplings, causing an anaphylactic reaction - Russell Kennedy Lawyers was recently engaged by Brimbank City Council to prosecute Gold Leaf (Sunshine) Restaurant Pty Ltd, the proprietor of a food business trading as the ‘Gold Leaf Chinese Restaurant’ (Restaurant) in Sunshine for a breach of the Food Act 1984 (Vic) (Act). Retail Leases: Richmond Football Club take out the win, this time in the Supreme Court - The outcome: If the Retail Leases Act applies to a lease at its commencement, it will continue to apply to the lease throughout its term Retirement Living Alert - NSW retirement village reporting requirements - Having recently passed the Retirement Villages Amendment (Operators Obligations) Regulation 2022, the NSW Government now has the authority to accumulate and publish relevant retirement village information. Retirement living and the COVID-19 pandemic: 10 legal tips for retirement living operators - Following the World Health Organisation’s declaration that COVID-19 is a global pandemic, the Australian Governor General has this week made a declaration under the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) that a human biosecurity emergency exists in Australia. Unfortunately, COVID-19 cases in Australia continue to rise and this will present significant ongoing challenges to the retirement living industry for months to come. Retirement Living Video Alert: COVID-19 - Privacy issues for retirement living operators - Rosemary Southgate, Principal, and Donna Rayner, Principal, briefly discuss vital considerations regarding retirement village resident's privacy when concerning health matters like COVID-19. Retirement Living Video Alert: Retirement village resident meetings in Victoria during COVID-19 - Donna Rayner, Principal, and Rosemary Southgate, Principal, briefly discuss resident meetings in retirement villages whilst in the challenging COVID-19 period: - Can you hold resident meetings? - How should you defer resident meetings? - How should you deal with operational changes, like maintenance charges and budget changes? Watch the video to find out more Retirement Village Operators - CAV Inspections and Complaints/Disputes Process - Retirement Village operators should note that Consumer Affairs Victoria (“CAV”) has changed its internal process in relation to assisting and dealing with complaints made by residents about management and resident disputes. Retirement Village Operators in Victoria – How to conduct your Annual General Meeting in the COVID-19 climate? - The current Victorian government restrictions set by the Chief Health Officer continue to impact the operation of communities in the Retirement Living sector in Victoria. Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1986 - The Minister for Consumer Affairs has recently published an Issues Paper on the review of the entire Retirement Villages Act 1986. The Paper marks the beginning of the Victorian Government’s public consultation process. Revised Building Regulations are now effective for Aged Care and Accommodation Related Properties - From July 2023, the Building Legislation Amendment (Building Classes) Regulation 2023 (Regulation) commenced in response to the NSW Government addressing safety in construction. Risks associated with fixed-term employment contracts - A recent decision of the Fair Work Commission highlights the risks in misusing fixed-term employment contracts. Roster Flexibility: Fitting Your Employees into New Care Models - As employers look for ways to implement more fluid work arrangements to respond to consumer demand, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission has handed down a decision which may assist employers of part-time employees. In Bupa Care Services Pty Limited v New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association [2017] FWCFB 1093 the Full Bench held that Bupa could change part-time employees’ rosters without their agreement, provided there were no changes to the employees’ minimum guaranteed hours. The issue The part-time employment and rostering clauses in Bupa’s enterprise agreement, which are almost identical to clauses in the Nurses Award 2010, provide that: 1.prior to commencement, an agreement must be reached with a part-time employee about the guaranteed minimum number of hours to be worked and the rostering arrangements which will apply to those hours; 2.the terms of a part-time employee’s agreement can be varied by agreement and recorded in writing; and 3.Bupa can change rosters by giving seven days’ notice to affected employees. Bupa decided to implement a new care model which resulted in changes to its roster. After a consultation process, it wrote to employees informing them of the new roster, providing requisite notice of the change. The NSWNMA took issue with this, arguing that employees had to agree to a change to their roster and Bupa could not change it unilaterally. The decision The Full Bench considered the words of the enterprise agreement, as well as other written contracts in place between Bupa and its employees. It held that the enterprise agreement did not require an employee’s agreement to implement changes to the employee’s rostered hours. Importantly, the written contracts in place between Bupa and its part-time employees contained wording making it clear that Bupa guaranteed minimum hours for part-time employees, but that the roster was subject to change by management. The Full Bench also held that displaying a ros Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - Four Corners - The Governor-General has today released the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. We encourage providers to become familiar with the scope of the Commissioners’ inquiry. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - Terms of Reference explained - In anticipation of the Commissioners releasing a scoping document which defines more precisely the areas the Commission will cover, Russell Kennedy has reviewed the Terms of Reference. We have analysed each Term to assist providers understand from a high level, what the Commission is likely to enquire into. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - Terms of Reference released - The Governor-General has today released the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. We encourage providers to become familiar with the scope of the Commissioners’ inquiry. Royal Commission into Quality and Safety in Aged Care - As providers work through their data and documents for the Provider Survey, the Royal Commission’s office is engaging with select consumers and interviewing stakeholders across Australia to inform itself of the perceptions and experiences of the community. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability - Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the establishment of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability on 5 April 2019. Russell Kennedy End of Year Celebration at the Museum of Contemporary Art - We are pleased to invite you and a guest to our End of Year celebration at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Russell Kennedy has designed a suite of webinars for disability service workers to better understand how to create reliable records - Principal Emma Turner and Associate Riaza Rigby were engaged by the National Disability Services (NDS) to create a series of six webinars promoting reliable record keeping practices. Russell Kennedy has prepared an Influenza Pack for aged care providers - New rules have commenced in all States and Territories requiring anyone entering an aged care facility to have a flu vaccination. Russell Kennedy Insolvency and Restructuring Insights - With 2021 coming to an end, our insolvency and restructuring team round-up some of the key issues faced this year. Safe Harbour - Protection from Liability for Insolvent Trading - Earlier this year we reported on the reforms to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) known as safe harbour, which provides directors with protection from liability for insolvent trading, in circumstances where they have started developing a course of action that is reasonably likely to lead to a better outcome for the company than the appointment of a voluntary administrator or liquidator. Safe harbour to extend the two year period to dispose of dwellings from a deceased estate - Where a dwelling was used as the deceased’s main residence (but not for producing income) just before they died and disposed of within 2 years from the deceased’s date of death, any capital gains and capital losses triggered by the disposal are disregarded. Safeguarding Patient Confidentiality: Updated strategies for managing Subpoenaed Medical Records - Health practitioners are often requested to release their patients’ medical records to courts or lawyers for mother parties under subpoenas. However, some medical organisations have concerns that some subpoenas, issued for improper purposes, may breach confidentiality obligations to a patient or have the potential to stigmatise vulnerable people and damage patient–practitioner relationships. Secondary victims in institutional abuse cases – The High Court of Australia rejects bid to avoid paying damages - On Thursday 8 February 2024, the High Court dismissed The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne’s application for special leave and permitted a father of a choirboy allegedly sexually assaulted by Cardinal George Pell to seek damages from the Archdiocese. Senate to debate proposed restrictive practices amendments - In September 2021, the second tranche of legislative reform stemming from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Royal Commission) was introduced to Federal Parliament. Importantly, the Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 2) Bill 2021 (The Bill) proposes further amendments to the restrictive practices provisions which were introduced in 2021. Separating from your partner? You need to update your estate planning documents now - Relationship breakdown and the subsequent stress over division of property and/or parenting arrangements often leaves reviewing and updating your Will, Power of Attorney and Appointment of Enduring Guardianship in the “I’ll deal with that later…” basket. Serious Incident Response Scheme: Second phase of mandatory reporting obligations commences 1 October 2021 - Approved providers of aged care should now be familiar with the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) which commenced on 1 April 2021. Sexual harassment – is your Councillor Code of Conduct up to the task? - The ongoing process arising from the allegations against Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle has highlighted the fact that many Councillor Codes of Conduct do not deal directly with sexual harassment. This gap can make it difficult for a councillor to make a complaint regarding another councillor, and equally for a Council to deal with sexual harassment allegations when they arise. Sexual Harassment - The Need for Action - Former Australian of the Year, Grace Tame and former political staffer, Brittany Higgins have been instrumental in bringing the issue of sexual harassment to the forefront of our conversations. Sexual Harassment in 2019 - In March, Libby Pallot and Abbey Burns presented on sexual harassment in the workplace. Sham contracting in the home care industry - The Federal Circuit Court recently issued penalties of $216,000 against two labour hire companies and two of their senior employees for sham contracting and the consequential underpayment of personal care workers. Shareholders Agreement - Your Legal Relationship Document - Shareholders Agreement - Your Legal Relationship Document Sharing Information between Public Health Services – New Legislation - The Health Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing) Act 2023 has recently been passed by the Victorian Parliament. It permits public health services to connect and share patient information – which will be enabled by secure technology and systems to be developed and implemented by the Department of Health. Significant increase to financial penalties under the Australian Consumer Law - The maximum financial penalties that can be imposed for breaches of the Australian Consumer Law have been considerably increased. Significant penalty issued against individual and corporate accused for continued breaches of planning scheme - Russell Kennedy recently successfully prosecuted the occupier of land in Keilor East, for breaches of the Brimbank Planning Scheme in relation to the use of land for the purpose of a ‘Store’ without a planning permit. Simplifying 4 common myths about De Facto Relationships - The broadness of the definition and the fact that many couples elect to live together, purchase property together or have children together before marriage leaves many people confused about whether they are in a de facto relationship and what impact, if any, this has on their legal rights. Small claim win illustrates the big impact of changes to ACL - A VCAT small claims decision on 9 August 2017 demonstrates the Tribunal’s readiness to apply the unfair contract provisions in the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) to standard form contracts entered into by small businesses. Snap Victorian construction shutdown - Are you prepared? - On Monday night, in response to the increasing rates of COVID-19, the Victorian Government announced a two week shutdown of the construction industry from 21 September 2021 to 4 October 2021 (Shutdown Period) in metropolitan Melbourne, the City of Ballarat, the City of Greater Geelong, the Surf Coast Shire and the Mitchell Shire (Restricted Areas). Some JobKeeper Guidance from the Fair Work Commission - With the Melbourne Metropolitan area and Mitchell Shire back in another lockdown, while the rest of Australia continues to open back up, it is timely for employers to consider how they can use JobKeeper agreements and directions to work for their needs, either increasing or decreasing their workforce. Some Key Legal Issues For Home Care Providers in 2020 - As many providers will be aware, Home Care can be difficult to navigate. Not only must you manage a consumer’s needs and expectations within their budget, providers must ensure they are complying with legislation and guidelines. Start the new financial year right by checking your compliance with workplace laws - While it may be hard to believe, another financial year has now come and gone. With the commencement of the new financial year, employers should take this opportunity to check that their record-keeping, payroll, and employment contracts are (and continue to be) compliant. Start your new year in a prosperous position and protect your family’s future - Preserving Prosperity for Future Generations While every family is different, we understand the importance of a ensuring a secure financial future. A comprehensive succession plan allows you to protect your wealth from life’s challenges, preserving and growing it for the benefit of your family. You have worked hard to ensure success for your loved ones. By establishing a tailor made succession strategy you can be confident your family will continue to benefit from your efforts in the years to come. Stop press: New South Wales announces 12 month pause on payroll tax audits for general practitioners - Following the recent release of ruling PTA 041 addressing the application of NSW payroll tax to doctors and other medical and healthcare providers engaged under contractor arrangements, the NSW government has announced a 12 month “pause” on payroll tax audits, penalties and interest for general practitioners and their practices. Stop right now – investigation put on hold - Some employees use various tactics to resist ‘facing the music’ when they are required to participate in a disciplinary process. A recent decision by the Fair Work Commission creates a precedent for another avenue for delay. Stop! Collaborate and Listen! - Collaborative Law is a unique method of dispute resolution which has emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking a more amicable, cost-effective, and timely approach to settling family law disputes. Russell Kennedy Lawyers, Simone Green, who specialises in Collaborative Law along with Layer Lauren Jones, shed light on what Collaborative Law entails and how it differs from mediation. Storage of Combustible Recyclables and Waste - This alert is relevant to the Waste Industry, Councils and Water Corporations. Strata and Community Schemes – Electronic voting and affixing of seal electronically - Under the provisions of the Strata Schemes Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation (No. 2) 2022 and the Community Land Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation (No. 2) 2022, pre-meeting electronic voting is now permitted. Strategic Planning – Minister for Planning directs that Environment Protection Authority to be consulted where significant impact on environment, amenity and human health - On 10 October 2018 the Minister for Planning directed planning authorities to engage the Environment Protection Authority (“EPA”) during the preparation of an amendment or in reviewing a scheme, and to obtain the EPA’s written views. The Minister’s direction codifies sound strategic planning practice and prioritises allocation of resources to ensure the EPA’s contribution is taken into account. Subpoenaed Medical Records - What should Practitioners do? - Medical practitioners are often requested to release their patients’ medical records to courts under subpoenas. However some medical organisations have concerns that some subpoenas issued for improper purposes have the potential to stigmatise vulnerable people and damage patient–practitioner relationships. Subpoenas – who should pay for compliance costs? - Your organisation may find itself having to comply with obligations to produce documents to the court, even if it is not a party to a legal dispute. If so, there are steps you may take to protect your organisation and recover the costs of complying with the subpoena. Superannuation increases effective 1 July 2021 - From 1 July 2021, the minimum superannuation contribution that employers are required to make on behalf of their employees will increase from 9.5% to 10% of employees’ “ordinary time earnings” (SG rate). Employers should review their existing employees’ contracts to determine the most appropriate way to accommodate this change. Supporting telehealth through regulation: a summary of changes - Amongst clinicians, the concept of telehealth is broad and encompasses any transfer of information electronically - synchronously (eg. by video or phone consult), or asynchronously (eg. by email or text message). Supreme Court affirms Building Order - In the recent Supreme Court decision of Morris, Russell Kennedy Lawyers represented the Municipal Building Surveyor (MBS) for the Whitehorse City Council (Council) in an appeal against a decision of the Building Appeals Board (Board) affirming a decision of the MBS to issue a Building Order. Supreme Court of Victoria provides guidance with regard to the interpretation of Regulation 414 of the Building Regulations - Anderson v Building Appeals Board [2017] VSC 415 (21 July 2017) Background The plaintiffs filed two appeals with the Building Appeals Board (“Board”) against Stonnington City Council’s refusal to give its consent to requests for report and consent in respect of Regulation 414 of the Building Regulations 2006 (“Regulations”) to proposed alterations and additions to a dwelling. Surgeons: Link between unprofessional conduct and patient outcomes - A recent study links professional conduct/workplace culture with quality and safety for patients, and has indicated that the patients of surgeons who have been reported by colleagues for unprofessional conduct are at a significantly increased risk of post-operative complications. The study, published in JAMA Surgery medical journal in June 2019 compared the data of 13,653 patient outcomes with the number of complaints received about their surgeon over the three years prior to the surgery. The data was collected at two geographically diverse study sites that participated in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP). Take Note – Capital Gains Tax Changes re: Main Residence - Buying a home to live in is part of the Australian dream and has historically been supported by the government by allowing any principal place of residence held by an Australian to be capital gains tax (CGT) free. That allowance historically continued for a period of up to six years from the date the property is no longer a person’s principal place of residence, provided the person did not claim another property as their principal place of residence. Targeted review of provider compliance with prudential standards; is your organisation prepared? - The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s (Commission) has announced it is conducting targeted reviews of approved providers’ compliance with the Prudential Standards this month. As such it is critical that providers understand their obligations under the Aged Care Act and the Fees and Payments Principles. Tax increases for Victorian landowners ahead - The Victorian State Government has flagged three key tax changes affecting landowners. Telehealth Services – Post Covid - Telehealth services are now here to stay. Many health services have concluded that telehealth is an effective, efficient way to deliver some health services. Temporary relief measures for electronic signing and virtual meetings lapse - The temporary relief measures introduced at the height of the coronavirus pandemic to facilitate electronic signing of documents and virtual AGMs have, unfortunately, now lapsed. Accordingly, when signing documents, the old ‘wet ink’ methods are now bank in vogue and AGMs will need to be carefully planned. It is hoped that the measures will be re-introduced later this calendar year. The $100,000 Question: Are you a “consumer” for the purpose of the Australian Consumer Law? - The definition of “consumer” under the Australian Consumer Law is changing and it could well impact you. The ACCC’s clear warning – the time is now to perfect privacy policies and procedures - In the 12 months since the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) released its final report on its Digital Platforms Inquiry (DPI), the ACCC has filed two law suits against Google with regard to its handling of personal data. The Benefits of Serving a Full Brief of Evidence in Council and Other Government Agency Prosecution Proceedings - Russell Kennedy Lawyers has recently carried out various ex-parte prosecutions relying upon full briefs of evidence, which has highlighted the benefits of serving a full brief of evidence at an early stage of the proceeding. The collapse of FTX - the Recovery of Crypto assets - FTX was a centralised crypto exchange platform founded by Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) through which people could buy and sell cryptocurrencies, without the need to have their own “crypto wallet”. The eight step plan to better health privacy - The health sector is particularly vulnerable to notifiable data breaches since reporting under the scheme became mandatory in February 2018. The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System has been released - “The narrative around mental health seems to repeat the same message – ‘don’t be afraid to ask for help’. The problem comes when you ask, there doesn’t appear to be any answer” – Witness Statement of Amelia Morris, 29 June 2019, para. 20 “An often-repeated explanation is that the system has ‘cracks’ and that people will fall through them. I don’t know if [we were] just unlucky to continually step on those cracks, or if the cracks are so wide that you cannot avoid them” – Anonymous 404, Submission to the RCVMHS: SUB.0002.0028.0238, 2019, p. 1 The High Court clarifies the ‘employee’ or ‘independent contractor’ test - In two key decisions, the High Court has clarified the approach to determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. These decisions reinforce the importance of ensuring contracts used to engage personnel correctly reflect the nature of the engagement from the outset. The JobKeeper scheme and award flexibility in the social and community services industry - The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruption within workplaces in the social and community service industry and employers are continuing to navigate the options available to them as they evolve. From individual agreements with employees to JobKeeper directions, employers have a range of options available to them. However, deciding which course to take is complicated, especially when arrangements need to changed or more relevant options become available. The latest state of play for medical and healthcare providers and payroll tax - The following discussion continues on from a previous Health Alert in August 2022 ‘Payroll tax concerns for medical and healthcare providers’ by Russell Kennedy. The legal considerations of subleasing a commercial space - Subleasing continues to be an attractive commercial arrangement for tenants seeking to reduce costs and financial pressure of meeting rental instalments, as well as ensuring rental income is maximized for landlords. The legal framework helping to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Australia - The spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to Australia is seeing unprecedented restrictions being put in place across Australia to attempt to prevent and control the spread of the virus. The meaning of ‘governing body’ - In a raft of reforms to the responsibilities of approved providers of aged care related to governance which commenced in December 2022, the term ‘governing body’ was inserted into the Aged Care Act 1997. The new Medical Treatment Act - what do Victorian aged care providers need to know? - On 2 February 2018 Russell Kennedy published an article on the introduction of the Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 (Vic) (“Act”) which commences on 12 March 2018. The new Retirement Villages Regulations commence on 30 July 2017 - From 30 July 2017, the Retirement Villages (Contractual Arrangements) Regulations 2017 (Vic) (“New Regulations”) will take effect. The New Regulations will repeal and replace the Retirement Villages (Contractual Arrangements) Regulations 2006 (Vic) (“Old Regulations”). The new Retirement Villages Regulations commenced on 30 July 2017 - From 30 July 2017, the Retirement Villages (Contractual Arrangements) Regulations 2017 (Vic) (“New Regulations”) have taken effect. The New Regulations repeal and replace the Retirement Villages (Contractual Arrangements) Regulations 2006 (Vic) (“Old Regulations”). The not-so-omnibus bill: what employers need to know about new changes to the Fair Work Act - The Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Act 2021 (Cth) (the Act) proposed a range of significant changes to Australia’s industrial relations system. In late March, after facing resistance from the cross bench, the Government put forward a stripped back version of the Bill, with four of the five proposed schedules removed. The revised Bill has now passed the Senate and received royal assent. The proposed new Aged Care Act: how will it apply to retirement villages? - The exposure draft for the Aged Care Bill 2023 was published on 14 December 2023. We refer to our previous Alerts in relation to the general concepts and provisions in the exposure draft. In this Alert we discuss the proposed application of the Bill to retirement villages. The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability – Top five FAQs providers are asking us - Our team has extensive experience acting for clients in Royal Commissions. We have presented at a number of disability sector events recently about the Royal Commission and in this alert we address the top five questions disability service providers have been asking. The Supreme Court of Victoria breathes new life into the statutory cap to compensation for financial loss - New law in relation to claims for financial loss as a consequence of a reservation of land under section 98 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 - The Supreme Court of Victoria departs from Gobbo J’s judgment in Mario Piraino. The test for casual employment remains unchanged, WorkPac loses second case - The Full Bench of the Federal Court has handed down another decision confirming that a casual whose working arrangements more closely resemble those of a permanent worker, is entitled to paid annual leave, personal/carer’s leave, and compassionate leave entitlements. The top 10 common mistakes to avoid when selling or merging your legal practice - Share Email Print Many of my clients have achieved great satisfaction in building profitable practices from humble beginnings, often dealing with challenging circumstances along the way. The top 10 frequently asked questions about divorce part 1 - The top 10 frequently asked questions about divorce The tragedy of Djerriwarrh Health Services – medical director sanctioned by VCAT - The former independent health service, Djerriwarrh Health Services, in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria provided a range of medical services, including maternity care on the fringes of Melbourne, in a semi rural setting. Over a five year period to 2013 with substantial population growth, maternity activity peaked at over 1,000 births, a steep increase in a relatively short period of time. Thinking about getting your affairs sorted? - As we can all appreciate, the Government and World Health Organisation’s advice and instruction around containing the spread of COVID-19 changes on a daily basis. Thinking of building or renovating? Beware the builder… - Thinking of building or renovating? Most complaints received by the Office of Fair Trading relate to residential building work. In our experience, the majority of the complaints relate to poor workmanship, substandard materials and unfinished work. Three strikes and you're out! Implications of the new short-stay accommodation provisions - The Owners Corporations Amendment (Short-stay Accommodation) Act 2018 (Vic) (Act) came into effect on 1 February 2019. The Act provides owners corporations with more discretion to self-regulate short-stay accommodation in their buildings and to better address the concerns of lot owners affected by any unruly short-stay occupants who enter into short stay accommodation arrangements of up to 6 nights. Three top tips for drafting Local Government policies - Getting a policy document right is crucial. Policy purpose, objectives and content are obviously paramount, but good policy drafting is difficult and getting it wrong can have unexpected and troublesome consequences. Till death do us part - Estate Planning for Same-sex Marriage - The recent legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia is certainly a cause for celebration, as are the weddings now following. Time to update your aged care client agreements (residential, home care, STRC and CHSP) and supplier agreements - With the 1 July 2019 deadline fast approaching, the team at Russell Kennedy has been busy updating our home care, residential care, CHSP, STRC and brokered services/contractor agreements to reflect the new Quality Standards, Charter of Rights and Pricing Schedule requirements. Top 10 frequently asked questions about Divorce - Part 2 - Top 10 frequently asked questions about Divorce - Part 2 Top 10 Legal Issues - IT Procurement for Aged Care and Retirement Living - The digital transformation of the aged care and retirement living sectors has already begun. Larger providers and operators have long recognised the efficiencies and improved quality of care that can result from automating manual processes. Top 10 M&A tips: Timing is everything in M&A for the retirement living & aged care sectors - It’s no surprise that mergers & acquisitions (M&A) activity continues to ramp up across the retirement living and aged care sectors. We are seeing this happen first-hand on both buy-side and sell-side engagements. Some of the continuing trends are larger or experienced operators looking to expand their portfolio or consolidate, smaller operators looking to exit, and also some distressed sales. Top 4 suggestions to make the Christmas holiday parenting arrangements easier - For separated parents, the Christmas holiday season (and the surrounding public and school holidays) often presents a challenge in terms of co-parenting relations, as both parties grapple with questions like: Where will the children spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and Australia Day? Trademarks and Parallel Imports - On 24 August 2018, the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures) Act 2018 (Act) received Royal Assent. This Act represents a shift in policy for dealing with trade marked goods and parallel imports. Trade mark owners are no longer able to block parallel importation of their products by assigning the mark to a local distributor. Treasury opens consultations on the corporations director identification number regime - Treasury is consulting on the new data standard, disclosure framework and draft legislative instruments which will support the commencement of the director identification number (Director ID) regime. Triggers for Estate Planning Review - If you are like most people, once you have (finally) signed your Will and other estate planning documents, you probably won’t look at them again for many years to come, if at all. However, estate planning should be reviewed regularly, to ensure that it continues to be appropriate in light of your circumstances. Tyro proves timing is everything in M&A - Recent reports of the aborted private equity takeover of Tyro Payments proves that timing is everything in Mergers & Acquisitions, and delays can kill deals. Understanding Voluntary Assisted Dying: A Guide for Physicians and Psychologists - Voluntary assisted dying (“VAD”) has been a topic of significant discussion and legislative reform across jurisdictions worldwide. Unexpected Trap when Borrowing from an Overseas Lender for Second Hand Property - Be Wary if you are borrowing from an overseas lender to purchase an investment property which is not in the usual business of lending money. Unfair Contract Terms regime crosses over into Fair Work jurisdiction - The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Act 2024 (Closing Loopholes No. 2 Act) commenced on 27 February 2024 introducing a suite of significant workplace relations reforms. These legislative reforms go beyond changing the laws governing employment relationships. For example, the Act provides a major shake up to Australia’s unfair contract regime as it opens up a new avenue for independent contractors to challenge the terms of their contracts. Unfit for work, but making money elsewhere - The NSW Industrial Relations Commission has upheld the dismissal of a support worker who lied about both her capacity for work, and her employment with another organisation, to support her workers’ compensation claim. Unpaid Family and Domestic Violence Leave for more employees - The Fair Work Amendment (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2018 (Cth) was passed on 6 December 2018, and received Royal Assent on Tuesday 11 December 2018. Update for Aged Care Providers on Voluntary Assisted Dying Laws in Australia - Queensland has recently joined other Australian states in passing legislation to construct a legal end of life option by way of access to voluntary assisted dying (VAD). Access to VAD in Queensland will commence on 1 January 2023 when the legislation comes into force. Update on electronic signatures - There have been a range of updates to the legislation which governs electronic signatures following our last Alert. Clients should be aware that these changes to legislation will impact how a party can validly sign documents and enter into agreements, deeds or other transactional documents. Update on the Government’s stance on mandatory vaccinations and disclosure of vaccination status - Since the publication of our alert "Can employers make vaccinations and temperature checks mandatory in today’s climate?", the Federal Government has indicated that it is reconsidering its stance on mandatory vaccinations. In a press release from the Prime Minister’s Office, the National Cabinet announced that it has sought further advice Australian Health Protection Principal Committee on the efficacy of a mandatory vaccination scheme. Update on whether there is a right to be afforded an additional level of procedural fairness in a compulsory acquisition - Melbourne Water Corporation & Anor v Caligiuri & Ors [2020] VSCA 16 Update to Alert - Reforms to strengthen protections against the use of restraints in aged care to align with protections in disability - This is an update to a previous alert from 2 June 2021, ‘Reforms to strengthen protections against the use of restraints in aged care to align with protections in disability’. Dispute Resolution Alert: Update to the NSW Security of Payment Regime - In September 2020, the NSW Government released the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulation which removes “owner occupier construction contracts” as a prescribed class to which the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act for residential building work does not apply. Update: Long Service Benefits Portability Scheme Passes Parliament - On 4 September 2018, the Long Service Benefits Portability Bill 2018 (Bill) was debated in the Legislative Council Committee and approved by an absolute majority. The intention of the Bill is to create a scheme which enables employees’ long service leave to accrue despite a change in employment within the same sector. Update: SCHADS Award changes; Mondelez Appeal; Victorian Portable Long Service Leave Scheme - Update: SCHADS Award changes; Mondelez Appeal; Victorian Portable Long Service Leave Scheme Update: What providers need to know about changes to the SCHADS Award - The Fair Work Commission has finalised its 4-yearly review of the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Service Industry Award 2010 (SCHADS Award). If the SCHADS Award applies to your workers, it is vital that you start planning for the upcoming changes. Vacant Residential Land Tax - Deadline Looming - As most property owners in Victoria are now aware, the new Victorian Vacant Residential Land Tax (“VRLT”) came into effect from 1 January 2018. All owners of property in Victoria who are liable to pay the VRLT must notify the State Revenue Office of the details of their properties by no later than 15 January 2018. Failure to do so may result in penalties being imposed on the property owner. Vaccinations and on-site work requirement update - In Floors Aucamp v Association for Christian Senior Citizens Homes Inc., the Fair Work Commission reiterated that where an employee is required to be onsite to perform the responsibilities of their position, they must comply with the mandatory vaccination requirements implemented by the State Government. Vicarious liability for Medical Colleges: Will a College be held liable for claims arising from a trainee’s employment? - VCAT has held that a medical college (the college), responsible for training that leads to Fellowship and registration of anesthetists, was not vicariously liable for conduct that occurred whilst the trainee of the college was working at hospitals in Australia and New Zealand. Vicarious Liability: The High Court of Australia's decision in Bird v DP (a pseudonym) - The High Court of Australia unanimously allowed an appeal from the decision of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria, which dismissed an appeal by the Roman Catholic Diocese (Diocese), which held the Diocese was vicariously liable for sexual assaults committed by one of its priests. Victoria and New South Wales confirm payroll tax stance for medical and healthcare providers - Revenue authorities in New South Wales and Victoria have now released their own rulings in relation to the application of payroll tax to doctors and other medical and healthcare providers engaged under contractor arrangements, broadly aligning with the earlier revenue rulings in South Australia and Queensland. Victoria on Target - Renewable Energy Update - On 11 September 2018, the State government announced the successful renewable energy project bidders from the Victorian Renewable Energy Auction Scheme (VREAS). Victoria’s Building Regulatory System is now set to be reformed - The Victorian construction sector has recently faced significant controversies involving residential apartment defects and combustible cladding, causing detrimental impacts on consumers, the building sector, and the Victorian Government. Victorian deed set aside – Judgment - On 30 September 2020, Justice Keogh of the Supreme Court of Victoria handed down Judgment in WCB v Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Sale (No 2) [2020] VSC 639. Victorian Edition | COVID-19 vaccine– who decides if you get the jab when you don’t have capacity to decide yourself? - Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program is now underway, and has proved to be the subject of much debate as to whether or not people should opt to receive the vaccine. But what happens if you don’t have capacity to choose, and that decision has to be made for you? Who can make that decision on your behalf? Victorian Government announces public IVF services - The Victorian Government has confirmed the commencement of public IVF services in Victoria at the Royal Women’s Hospital and Monash Health. Victorian Government proposes amendment to IVF laws - The Victorian Government has introduced changes to IVF legislation to provide that a married woman in Victoria need not obtain the consent of her spouse to undergo IVF treatment, if using donor sperm, in circumstances where the woman and husband are separated. Victorian Government supports amendments to Security of Payment Act - The Victorian Government has at long last issued its response to the parliamentary inquiry into payments to subcontractors under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2022 (Vic) (SOPA). This alert touches on some of the key recommendations agreed to by the Victorian Government which will have an impact on parties entering into construction contracts. Victorian Landfill Registry - This Alert is important to all entities responsible for (owner, occupier, committee of management) land impacted by a closed landfill, including municipal councils, State Government, water corporations and Commonwealth Government. Victorian mandatory vaccination requirements updated overnight with immediate effect - The Victorian Government has released the COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Workers) Directions (No 2) (Mandatory Vaccination Directions) and the COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Specified Facilities) Directions (No 7) (Specified Facilities Directions) overnight. Victorian Retirement Villages Amendment Bill - The State Government released the Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2022 Exposure Draft on Saturday 8 October 2022. There is an initial consultation period until 28 October 2022, when the Government will go into caretaker mode. The next stage of consultation will then depend upon the outcome of the State election. Victorian Retirement Villages Reform - The Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2024 was introduced into the Legislative Assembly on 28 November 2024 by the Minister for Consumer Affairs. Debate has been adjourned until Parliament resumes in early 2025. It is expected that the Bill will be passed in early 2025. Victorian State Government expands vaccination requirements: all authorised workers must be vaccinated against COVID-19 - In the latest vaccination mandate, the Victorian Government has announced that a large group of ‘authorised workers’ will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by 26 November 2021. Authorised workers must have had their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 15 October 2021, in order to attend a work premises. Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal confirms Catholic Diocese vicariously liable for historical abuse committed by a priest - Bird v DP (a pseudonym) [2023] VSCA 66 (3 April 2023) - This is a Supreme Court of Victoria, Court of Appeal, decision in respect of the original decision of His Honour Justice Forrest on 22 December 2021, DP (a pseudonym) v Bird [2021] VSC 850 (22 December 2021) Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal considers deed set aside provisions - This Judgment confirms the original decision regarding the application of the deed setting aside legislation, in particular sections 27QD and 27QE of the Limitations of Actions Act 1958 (Limitations Act). It provides assistance in understanding how a court will exercise its discretion to determine circumstances when it is ‘just and reasonable’ to set aside a deed of release. Please also see the Case Alert (October 2020) found here (insert link) for our summary of the original Supreme Court decision and the relevant legislative provisions. Victorian workplace COVID-19 order update - The Victorian Government has recently amended the definition of ‘close contacts’, ‘exposed persons;’’ and ‘social contact’ and introduced mandatory COVID-19 booster shots for workers in specific industries. Employers should be aware of these new requirements and ensure that their workers comply with any relevant orders before attending the workplace. Victoria's Duties for Contaminated Land - On 1 July 2021 the Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) was amended to provide a prevention-focused regulatory scheme protecting the community from harm from contaminated land. Victoria's Environment Protection Regulations - The reform of the environment legislation in Victoria has its origins in community, worker and emergency services personnel exposure to health risks from waste and contamination of the environment Victoria's General Environmental Duty - From 1 July 2021 the Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) will provide a prevention- focused regulatory scheme and at its heart is the general environmental duty. Video Alert: DCM Media Professional Development Webinar Series - Retirement Villages Resident Committees and Meetings - Video Alert: DCM Media Professional Development Webinar Series - Retirement Villages Resident Committees and Meetings Video Alert: Insights on Mergers & Acquisitions for disability services & support organisations by Jonathan Teh - NDS - Video Alert: Insights on Mergers & Acquisitions for disability services & support organisations by Jonathan Teh - NDS Video Alert: Voluntary Assisted Dying Update - November 2019 - In June 2019, Victoria became the first state to legalise Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD). Health services and their staff will inevitably be involved in providing care to patients who wish to access the scheme. Voluntary assisted dying – considerations for Victorian aged care providers - The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic) (Act) commences in Victoria on 19 June 2019. The Act will allow Victorians at the end of life who are suffering and who meet strict eligibility criteria to request access to voluntary assisted dying (VAD). Voluntary Assisted Dying update – Regulations introduced setting out some of the specifics - The Voluntary Assisted Dying Regulations 2018 (the Regulations) have now been finalised under the authority of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (the Act) and will commence on 19 June 2019. Voluntary Assisted Dying: What do Retirement Village Operators need to know? - The media recently reported that the first person in Victoria has passed away using the voluntary assisted dying (VAD) scheme that came into effect on 19 June 2019. Other states are also looking at introducing similar laws, so the issue is likely to stay on the agenda for some time. Wage Theft and Wage Increases - Underpayments have become a significant issue in the Australian workforce, with large underpayments reported in recent months by the Made Group, Woolworths, Coles and Qantas. Last week the ABC signed an enforceable undertaking including a $600,000 contrition payment, over and above the underpayment of wages. What have previously been characterised as inadvertent underpayments flowing from a misunderstanding of relevant awards, are now being characterised, in some circumstances, as deliberate wage theft. Warm winter comfort for landlords - Failing to maintain an air-conditioner won’t cost the landlord its lease. Warning - ATO and Airbnb Sharing Data - Be Aware of the Implications - Warning - ATO and Airbnb Sharing Data - Be Aware of the Implications Was it a gift or a loan? Understanding the difference between the two concepts in Family Law proceedings. - Covid-19 has affected our everyday lives and the things we normally would or wouldn’t consider when looking after our children. Prior to covid-19, one aspect that used to be on the forefront of most parents’ minds after they have separated is if they can travel with their children overseas. We all understand “misleading and deceptive conduct”, right? Australian Consumer Law issues for American direct selling companies - A number of DSA Member companies are multinational corporations and, of those, a significant number have head offices in the United States of America. We all wear masks: lawful and reasonable directions during a pandemic - In a recent decision, Watson v National Jet Systems Ltd [2021] FWC 6182, the Fair Work Commission has found that it was lawful and reasonable to require staff to wear a face mask, even in the absence of a health direction mandating masks Western Australia passes voluntary assisted dying laws: Comparing the Victorian and Western Australian schemes - Western Australia (WA) has become the second state in Australia to legalise voluntary assisted dying (VAD) after Victoria. The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 (WA) (Act) provides for eligible individuals (in consultation with specialised medical practitioners) to legally choose the manner and timing of their death (Scheme). The Act also establishes a Voluntary Assisted Dying Board (Board) to monitor the Scheme. What are my organisation's COVID-19 privacy obligations? - In response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has rapidly spread across the world, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has released guidance detailing how businesses subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) should be dealing with personal information relating to COVID-19 throughout the crisis. What are the limits of a Director’s accessorial liability for wage claims? - A recent Federal Court decision suggests that directors may have a new but risky basis for avoiding personal liability under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). What are the limits of a Director's accessorial liability for wage claims? - What are the limits of a Director's accessorial liability for wage claims? What beneficiaries need to know and do - Losing and grieving the loss of a loved one can be difficult. If you are a beneficiary of a Will or the estate, it can also be hard not knowing the process of what happens next, what your rights are, and if the estate is being properly managed by the executor or administrator. As a beneficiary, you have certain rights protected by law What determines a casual employee? Casual just awarded 15 years of leave - What determines a casual employee? Casual just awarded 15 years of leave What employers need to know about the latest changes to workplace relations laws - Following the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Amendment to the Fair Work Act which passed last year, both Houses of Parliament have now passed the next tranche of amendments to the Fair Work Act. What happens to your pet if you pass away? - What happens to your pet if you pass away? What is an Independent Children’s Lawyer? - Many of our clients are unaware that Amy Jenkins is not only a Partner of the firm and the head of the Family Law team but she has also been appointed to the Legal Aid Panel of Independent Children’s Lawyers. What is involved in acting as an executor of an estate? - So your loved one or friend has passed away and you have just found out that you are appointed their executor. You have no idea what that means and what the role entails. Here is what you need to know about being an executor of an estate. What is it about Surgeons? - Surgeons are twice as likely to have claims made against them than physicians, according to the Medical Board of Australia data. What is Probate and do you need it? - When someone passes away leaving assets such as property, bank accounts and shares, it is often necessary to make an application to the Supreme Court for a Grant of Probate or a Grant of Letters of Administration. What does this mean and why is it needed? What the Royal Commission into aged care quality and safety means for you - With the Prime Minister’s call to establish a Royal Commission into the aged care sector, many approved providers are seeking information about what they should be doing now. What will Australia’s new privacy legislation mean for you? - Significant changes to Australia’s privacy laws are on the horizon. New civil penalties and infringement notices will target lower-level compliance issues, such as not having a compliant privacy policy and failing to provide an opt-out mechanism for direct marketing. Organisations should act now to ensure their privacy policies and procedures are robust, compliant and up-to-date. What’s in a day? The Full bench of the Federal Court hands down decision in Mondelez v AMWU [2019] FCAFC 138 - In August the Full bench of the Federal Court handed down a decision regarding the meaning of a ‘day’ for the purpose of personal/carer’s leave under the Fair Work Act. What’s in a name? It’s the duties, not the title, which determine award coverage - Employees who earn more than the high income threshold (currently $138,900 per annum) are not eligible to make an unfair dismissal application unless their role is covered by an enterprise agreement or award. What’s next? Starting to unpack the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability - On 29 September 2023, the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was published. When can employers stand down employees in the COVID-19 pandemic environment? - By now, Australian businesses are all too familiar with the volatility and uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted on the workplace. In such an environment, with the vaccine rollout still in its infancy in Australia, employers need to know their rights in relation to standing down their employees. When do you have to pay independent contractors superannuation? - Correctly determining whether or not an independent contractor is entitled to superannuation is important, because a failure to make the required superannuation contributions could result in you being required to pay the Superannuation Guarantee Charge and, potentially, penalties. When ex-employees set up a competing business: Is your IP protected? - The confidential information and intellectual property of a business can be among its most valuable assets. It is crucial that these assets are protected. So what happens when a former employee misappropriates confidential information and copyright works to set up their own competing business? When proving unfair preference claims can be unfair for liquidators - In a recent decision by the Supreme Court of New South Wales regarding unfair preference claims - In the matter of Pacific Plumbing Group Pty Limited (in liquidation) [2024] NSWSC 525 – Justice Black provides guidance to liquidators on what is required to recover payments made to a third party on behalf of an insolvent company as unfair preferences. When someone is lacking financial capacity, what does it mean? - When someone is lacking financial capacity, what does it mean? Where did the time go? Limitation periods in building actions where no occupancy permit is issued - The recent VCAT decision of Gledhill v Scotia Property Maintenance Pty Ltd (Gledhill) provides timely guidance in relation to the application of the 10 year limitation of action period for claims for defective building work in Victoria. Whistleblower laws finally approved - The new whistleblower laws will apply from 1 July 2019, having now received Royal Assent after passing both Houses of Parliament last month. Whistleblower legislation – what does this mean for employers? - Companies registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) must now comply with an enhanced set of protections for whistleblowers. Whistleblower Reform - Put yourself in these shoes… You think your CFO boss is feeding false information to the company auditors to cover up accounting irregularities in the company financials. What would you do? Who should you tell? What protections are you entitled to receive? Whistleblower Regime Update - The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Bill 2017 has now been passed by the Senate – with a number of significant amendments – and is awaiting approval by the House of Representatives in order to finally take effect. Whistleblowers policy deadline approaches – new guidelines released by ASIC - The new whistleblower protection laws bring significant changes to the existing whistleblower protection framework. Under the new regime, whistleblowers receive greater protections if they report corruption, fraud, tax evasion/avoidance and misconduct. Who gets the fur baby if we break up? - Fur babies are a part of the family. They attend brunch with us, have play dates, attend day care, the list goes on. But what happens if you separate? Who is the legal fur parent? Who owns the trees on your property - NSW Laws and Regulations explained - In New South Wales trees are considered part of the land, belonging to the owner of the home and owner is responsible for any damages caused by the trees. Disputes between neighbours as to nuisance, ownership and damages caused by the trees are determined by the Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006. This Act applies to trees on any land designated as residential, industrial or business does not extend to trees on public land or trees that are protected by conservation or heritage laws. Why have a Will? - Wills are often associated with the elderly, but what happens with the sudden and unexpected death of a young person? The last thing that a family wants in that instance is complexity or the risk of losing their home and income stream. Will mega-mergers modify the Agriculture industry’s DNA? - The recent mergers of numerous chemical and agricultural companies are said to be the biggest farm-business oligopoly in history. This article will review the proposed mergers and how they will affect agricultural research as a result. Windfall Gains Tax – implications of yet another new property tax - Developers, landowners and charities must be aware of another approaching tax which will have significant impacts on land which is rezoned in Victoria, subject to a few narrow exemptions – the Windfall Gains Tax. It is a new tax on a windfall that a landowner is deemed to have enjoyed in relation to a rezoning of their land. With the spread of COVID-19 getting one’s own affairs in order is now a priority - The sudden and unexpected spread of COVID-19 has made us all realise that circumstances which are out of our control can change so rapidly. We are now seeing people panicking at supermarkets and stockpiling staple foods, toilet paper and hand-sanitiser. WorkPac Pty Ltd v Skene – Casuals are still casuals - The recent decision about casual employment in WorkPac Pty Ltd v Skene has received a lot of publicity. The Full Court of the Federal Court confirmed a decision that an employee who was hired under a casual employment contract was in fact a permanent employee, based on the substance of the relationship and working arrangements. Workplace investigations: The advantage of involving lawyers in a workplace investigation process - The Fair Work Commission has determined that documents related to a workplace investigation were subject to legal professional privilege, because the main purpose of the documents was to obtain legal advice following the investigation. WorkSafe notification obligations regarding COVID-19 - On 28 July 2019 new regulations were introduced expanding the scope of notifiable incidents under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. The effect of the new Regulations is that employers must notify WorkSafe about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in their workplace. World Elder Abuse Day: Being Aware of Financial Abuse - World Elder Abuse Awareness Day occurs every year, providing an opportunity for communities to stand together against the abuse, mistreatment and neglect of older people. Your Will - The Effect of Marriage, Divorce and Separation - How does marriage, separation and divorce affect my Will? You're moving overseas - is your SMSF compliant? - If you are a trustee and/or member of a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), then you need to consider whether your SMSF will remain compliant if you move overseas.