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Disclosure Requirements Update: Retirement Living

Rosemary Southgate

Retirement Living Operators should note that the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) has released the updated form of Factsheets which must be used from 1 March 2018.

The new form of Factsheets include an additional note to a resident who is considering moving into a retirement village that the resident should review the “Guide to Choosing Living in a Retirement Village” produced by CAV and that the Guide is available on the CAV website. The updated Factsheets have been issued in response to one of the recommendations made by the Legal and Social Issues Committee in its Inquiry into the Retirement Housing Sector released in March 2017.

Operators should continue to use the current forms of Factsheet until 28 February 2018, and adopt the new forms of Factsheet from 1 March 2018. The new forms of Factsheet are available on the website.

If you require any further information please contact Rosemary Southgate on 03 9609 1579 or one of our Retirement Living team.

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